April 15, 2015
April 15, 2015 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 15
Topics Created On April 15, 2015
- HELP plz URGENT !!!
Hi guys... Been readin ulots advice n i mus say u guys r great lol on that note i really need ur help please n wud appre
- HELP Me _?'?_??
Hi guys... Been readin ulots advice n i mus say u guys r great lol on that note i really need ur help please n wud appre
- CANCER - JUNE 21 to JULY 22
- Taurus lady friend
Hi all, been talking to/seeing a lovely Taurus lady. Every bring went well, she initiated he first move I then took the
- Too Many Taurus May Not Be A Good Thing...LOL!
First let me say I am a Virgo Sun...Cancer Moon...Cancer Ascendant. Flashback....1st true love was a Taurus, May 13th
- who plays well?
Virgo sun/ Gemini rising/ Sagittarius moon
- Cancer - Cancer
Male has his pluto trine to her venus 1 degree orb Female has her pluto trine to his moon 1 degree orb -- her moon is s
- Who's the best match up for a Capricorn?
I'm curious to see what you all think the best match up is. Is it different for Males and Females? Amazingly, starti
- What's your lazy guilty pleasure?
I love to lie in bed and not do a thing...Nothing but watch an endless stream of videos on the internet.
- Neptune infulenced people
How do you fish interact with those types? People with Asc/Sun/Moon in aspect with Neptune. Since Neptune is your pl
- Enlightenment From You Wonderful Pisceans Please!
Recently I just ended an affair with a Pisces male. (Yes, he was married & before I get hate after much soul seeking hav
- Arizona Police Car Slams & Rams Armed Man
//www.youtube.com/embed/DFcEMMZju7U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
- Any Cap Sun, Gemini moons?
Anyone out there?? Do you find yourself being overly chatty and a little wishy-washy? Trying to see what others have exp
- Aquarius and Sarcasm.When and Why?
When do you people become sarcastic and all? I know this aqua guy and I was confused if I liked him or not,told him earl
- Good relationships go bad
Would you care to share? Any restraining order involve? How do you handle it? Are you the reason it went bad? Do sha
- Wounded Leo?
Hey all I need some advice. This Leo man contacted me online. We've been texting and having phone calls since October. H
- How to win back the heart of a Taurus man?
I have been seeing this man for almost 5 years. The downside of our relationship was because of my dramatic attitude and
- How to NOT put cancer boy on the spot? :-\
A few weeks back a boy (cancer), who I am real interested in, flirted with me...kinda put me in a Woah, what?!? mood a
- Bangs with curls? Do it or Disaster...?
Okay, getting a haircut on Saturday and toying with the idea of bangs. I have curls and a lot of hair but I think it is
- Aries men
why wont my Aries Ex give me back my things.....
- Introduce your parents to your Girlfriend.
Hi Leos, What do you feel when you introduce your girlfriend/boyfriend to your parents? I felt pressure, and some k
- Capricorn the Corrupter ?
- Which Sign Gets Hit the Hardest???
Ok...new to these boards and I've been across a couple of the signs boards posting here & there.....Virgo (my own), Taur