April 27, 2015
April 27, 2015 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 27
Topics Created On April 27, 2015
- Gemini woman and Pisces man 4 years relationship
Hey everyone, I have never written on forums before so please do be patient if I'm not really good at this. I am 22
- Ooops
Lately ive been playing match maker with my friends and its been going pretty bad... last week I had a party at mine
- Is cheating written in the stars?
Do you remember that staistics of married and divorced people? Where Sagittarius was at place number 12*? Now there's an
- Sagittarius/Fire on The Richest People 2015
From http://www.forbes.com/billionaires and Wikipedia: Nr 4. Amancio Ortega Gaona (28. M_?rz 1936 in Busgondo) Nr 5.
- Help with a Taurus man please, please!!
Hi everyone I cant really talk to anyone else about this then I found this forum (fantastic!!) I am a 28 yr old Aq
- leaving dxp
Once again I'm beginning to change into somthing I don't recognize. Maybe I do recognize it, but it's somthing I hide fr
- Bipolar Aquarius?
After a rollercoaster of emotions, seasons of liking and not liking,spells of radio silence,mega rucuss on whether to be
- When you can't put your thoughts into words...
How do you communicate? Meaning, how do you get your point across? How do you achieve your purpose? How are people s
- Taurus with Gemini influence - Please Help!
Hello! I'm confused about the potential Taurus man in question. We started chatting from august to mid october last year
- Taurus with leo. too late? - Please Help!
Hello! I'm confused about the potential Taurus man in question. We started chatting from august to mid october last year
- One of the best synasty placements
- How does one...
Have Sex like he's stealing something? What does that even mean?
- Why Am I turning cold?
Its been almost 3 months to my break up. My Ex was a libra so some of you already know my break up story .Well he was mo
- Hello Aquas whats your experience with Gemini?
Just curious to know anyone here had long term relationship experience with Gemini to share with.
- I need help!
How do I upload my chart on here? Someone else told me but I didn't understand! Lol.. It's from cafe astrology
- What does Pluto square Saturn mean in...?
What does Pluto square Saturn mean in a synastry/compatibility chart? Why is it considered bad?
- She (Pisces) liked me but I didn't make a move
Now I'm interested in pursuing something with her, and I feel like she's given up on me. I didn't make a move on her bef
- Aries men Cancer woman.....
So, I've had two Aries guys chase me insistently for years. One is my best friend in the world(5years and counting) the
- Obama lolz
This amused me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkAK9QRe4ds
- Please help me to interpret /understand my chart.
Sun Pisces Moon Virgo Merc Pisces Venus Pisces Mars Cancer Jupiter Gemini Saturn Leo Uranus Scorpio Neptune
- Man crush Monday
Just for fun, anyone want to share a RL or celeb crush?
- When everything is ok, you create war?
Hello Aries, Here a Leo man dating an Aries woman for 6 months. Why do you start a conflict when everything is ok? I
- don't know what to do with this Virgo man!
I met this man at work October of last year. I wasn't looking for someone, but he caught my attention. I tried to ignore
- Taurus Assistance Needed
I have a question and would appreciate any advice. I had a fast romance with a Taurus Male. We're both mid 30's./profe
- I think it's over...thoughts please?
This is my first time EVER posting here and its all thanks to a taurus man. I'm an aries with a cancer moon, venus in ta
- Aries woman + Taurus man.... PLEASE
Share your stories! This just seems like such a doomed pairing. I just ended things with a Taurus, but I miss him and I
- Libra Risings?
With the North Node almost being done its transit thru Libra, has it already passed over your ascendant? How was it? Any
- Turnin Point with Taurus Male
For all the ladies confused by Taurus male please dont get excited because this is not the post about the happily ever a
- Miracle Prayer-Thank you
Say nine consecutive times. Make the sign of the cross every time you say the prayer. Publish Immediately. O Great Pa
- :) i like this article
http://astrolosophy.net/universe/zodiac-traits/pisces_mytholog/ Especially this bit. Aphrodite and Eros In West
- Gemini man/Aqua woman and what if...?
a few years ago, I (Aquarius woman) met a Gemini guy at an event abroad. we noticed each other throughout the week. on t