April 11, 2015
April 11, 2015 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On April 11, 2015
- I like a virgo but...
Hi everyone! First post here. I am a Taurus girl, with moon in Leo and Venus in Gemini. I currently like a Virgo man tha
- Frustration
I am quite frustrated with myself. So I have not initiated contact with the cancer man for 2 months now, and as expected
- Virgo Ex
Hi, I've just joined here after looking for information hoping to find some clarity. Apologies if this turns into a lon
- Everybody has to say something about me.
I'm this? I'm that? Or something in between? who am I? I guess I know who I am. Almost!
- What kind of Woman would be compatible with me?
- Young Capricorn stellium guy in love
March 6th, on Friday night, I received two calls from a No Caller ID number. I didn't pick up the first time because I
- I need help for my friend
I have a taurus best friend, we are the same age and tell each other almost everything. the problem is he has been stuck
- Dating cancer girl. No idea where this is heading.
I've been dating a cancer girl for 3 months and we only see each other about once a week. Recently she brought this up o
- Earth, Air & Water...Who Wins?
A Taurus, Aquarius and Scorpio man all like the same woman, a Pisces; who gets her?
- Breakup with a Cancer Man, and I want him back.
I'm going to give the full story, and I apologize this is so long. I'm a Pisces woman who was in a relationship with a
- scorp man - leo rising - aquarius moon
Hey guys! I have this scorp male friend that i am really into but i just can`t figure out him. I think he is currentl
- hear my out and please don't judge
Ok, here it goes, i've been married for almost 17 yrs. however, he and I live very separate lives, we mainly live toge
- Why are white people still so racist?
why they so racist , like when they see videos of a non-white man dating an asian girl they dislike the video and say ra
- My chart
Help with my chart please.... Rising Sign is in 28 Degrees Leo Sun is in 12 Degrees Virgo. Moon is in 07 Degrees
- The divide
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QsCBUjVGgY ick. my god i can barely watch it. i haven't even finished.It's so gros
- Anyone interested in a free psychic reading
I'm working to improve my psychic ability. I need people to practice on to become better and accurate. Please let me kno
- Anyone interested in a free psychic reading
I'm working to improve my psychic ability. I need people to practice on to become better and accurate. Please let me kno
- Libra boyfriend watching sex scenes/nudity?
Hey, not quite sure where to start with this as I feel it is quite complicated, but I appreciate whoever takes the time
- The evasive aquarius man
The loveliest things about aquarius men are their elements of mystery and capability of always having interesting, deep
- I hate Scorpios
I'm married to one and it's my love sign, but my sun sign is Sagittarius. That is all
- Relationship with the same moon sign??!
Anyone have or had a relationship with someone who has the same Moon sign? Did you find it challenging or comforting? An
- Taurus male for Fwb
Hey guys would you give any opinion. So from the beginning of the time we agreed to have like friends with benefit thin
- gemini's way of trying to come back?
ok, so this gemini that i was having communication/flirting everysingle day all of the sudden communication a little mor
- Help with this Capricorn man?
Here is his placements: Aries Rising/Ascendant in 1st house Capricorn sun in house 9 Virgo Mars in house 6 Leo Mo
- north node in aquarius 7th house! Doomed?
i have got this placement and this is what i read in one of the descriptions i came across on net... Aquarius on the