April 24, 2015
April 24, 2015 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 24
Topics Created On April 24, 2015
- What do cap moon think of Aqua moon?
Do you find us crazy? Are you attracted to our detached attitude at times? Do you understand us? What are your thoughts
- am I attractive ?
Good day, I've noticed alot at work, that guys stare at me, or take several glances at me. I don't consider myself be
- Gemini man with cancer moon????
Peter pan syndrome? Lol. I think this guy gets easily hurt, too much childish, but being a Gemini with Mars in Leo and v
- Are cancers usually artistic in some way?
Peeked at my friends Facebook and she put some really cool pictures up and I can see she's getting good with her camera.
- My brain is saying it is over, but my heart is str
This is how the story goes: I??m European expat to another European country and member of an expat association that organises get-together events for foreigners. Early March this year I went to one of these get-togethers and BAM-a gorgeous Scorpio America
- Set the user above up with another DXP memeber!
Time for another game, folks. Simple like the others, you just pick a user to send on a blind date for the user above
- Disappearing act? or just not interested anymore?
I'm a Virgo female and have been seeing a Leo male for about 2 months now. I need to mention that this isn't the first t
- If everyone believed DJ's opinion on Cancers...
Leaders on all fronts. Alpha as fuck. Awesome at everything. Just close to damn perfect as you can get. How would
- How bossy are you?
On a scale of 1-10 how bossy would you say you are? State your rising mercury and mars I'd say I'm a 8-10 depending
- Do you like a more bossy partner?
So I'm very very bossy and Ive always attracted different types of guys and usually ended up dating the more shy ones, b
- seek advice.
- Let's talk new Love
I'll keep it simple and short. I need a good man in my life. I've had terrible relationships and I'm a bit of a shy girl
- Virgo ladies.. Attention plz!
So.. Do you ever find yourself a mess in relationships? Like always needing reassurance and then that will come off as n
- Pisces sun/Virgo Rising
Hi, I'm fairly new to the subject so I'd be thankful to receive all the help I can get regarding this combination. I'
- This is confusing
Him - aqua sun, Venus and Mars. Scorpio moon Me - cap sun/Venus in pisces/ Mars in cancer/ moon in cancer So I have
- Taurus Man...What the heck?? Why SO confusing??!!
Ok I created an account just to ask this question. I've sought out the secret of this man's hold on me for these past fe
- Why does everyone want to learn French?
- Does your moon sign come out more when...
Does your moon sign come out more during its sun sign season? For example, it's Taurus season right now & I feel like I'
- My friends are twins, help!
They are Sagg sun sign and Pisces moon sign. They act very different. How does being a twin affect your signs?
- aries woman sagittarius man
I met this sag guy when I was out with some friends. He asked for my number and texted me three days later. We had a few