April 29, 2015
April 29, 2015 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On April 29
Topics Created On April 29, 2015
- can taurus girl and aquarius guy work?
do we have enough in common to work? i never dated one but my best friend is an aquarius and me and her are like two pea
- Spiritual books & books about angels
is it possible to find a book which includes a love story and spirituality? pls lmk, I only enjoy love stories, but I al
- twin flame and soul mate = same thing?
long story short, i think it is the same thing, your twin flame is your soul mate, the person you are destined to be wit
- Young Aries being a little bit childish
I'm finding my flatmate incredibly frustrating. see the thing is i'm getting a bit tired of him complaining about
- Ideal partner for a Capricorn?
Please share your definition of an ideal partner that you could be with for a life-time! :) How do you know when he/
- Gem Comm Overload!
Ok I'm up late and want to do my part in hopefully bringing a bit of lively convo to y'all board. Now I've always gotte
- When is taking your dog out too much?
Not sure about anyone else, but here, people seem to take their dogs everywhere. When and where do you think it's just t
- Mars in Libra
My Sun is capricorn, Moon is capricorn and ascendant is Cancer. Mercury sign is Capricorn, Venus sign is Sagittarius and
- Pluto will transit my 8th house from 2025 to 2070
Thats 45 years...Thats the rest of my Life....ill be 90 when it ends so obviously dead.... How do i deal with so much
- Do you Aquarius men think about your exes ...
Even if you don't contact or ever talk to them? Just wondering
- Mars in Scorpio
If two people both had Mars in Scorpio ....what would this mean? Compatible in general or just in bed? Or a complete
- Any other moon signs understand a Scorpio Moon?
I just wonder if anyone truly can understand us. I'm so tired of feeling like I'm too much for most men who've been in m
- Angelic messages
have you ever heard a powerful and vivid voice in your ear? like someone warning you about something, preparing you for
- What is love?
I want to hear your most pure and wholesome experience with love. I've yet to have a relationship of my own.. I want
- What's your fear..
As I've noticed from a far, I picked up on Libras fearing that the person with whom they fall in love with will ultimate
- Is this normal Taurus behavior?
Post few weeks ago about Taurus man. I'm 35, he's 51. Recent new behavior from him, he blatantly flirts with every woman
- Is this true for Aqua men..
I've read before many times actually, that they will I guess settle for a long term partner if they can gain something f
- Cap moon man. Extra distant when in love? How do..
...you feel about someone confessing their love for you? What makes you fall in love?
- Moon sign?
I'm a bit confused as to which one I am. I checked 3 different calculators.. one said mine was Capricorn, the other Libr
- prayer that works
Say nine consecutive times.Make the sign of the cross everytime you say the prayer.publish immediately. O great passion
- Partner Assessment & Past Relationships
Do you assess a partner's future potential by analyzing and paying careful consideration to their past relationships?
- Scorat
So, Moonartist pointed out that my cat is probably a Scorpio. He's up to something....
- Gems.. you know you want us ;)
So I'm shaking up the Gem boards...I luv me some Gems _3 Since we are next door neighbors, chances are we share some sim
- help with cancer woman gf of 2 yrs
I know she isnt opening up completely to me and it leaves me feing disatisfied with our relationship because she doesnt
- Best moons that go well with a Taurus moon?
I'm a Taurus moon and I'm wondering from experience or otherwise, which moon(s) match best with us? I've found it eas
- Is there a chance with my Libra man?
I need help. I really do. My Libra man and I (Cancer woman-Sagi Moon-Gem Mercury/Venus) have been dating for about a
- Libra girl trapped by aries
Do aries and libra make a good couple what are your thoughts?! Thanks