November 9, 2018
November 9, 2018 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 9
Topics Created On November 9, 2018
- Omg cutest thing ever!
Was hanging out with that Libra who's been trying to just be my friend (we're both mildly failing but no kissing or anything still lol) and he was in his suit from work and I commented on how great he looked. He said he had his tie in the car too and I as
- which sign would most likely survive...
...a shipwreck?
...a tsunami?
...a flu pandemic?
...a martial rule?
...a genocide? alien invasion?
- Need your opinion about Pisces Man
Hello everyone, i'm new here.. so I met a pisces man by chance online 4 months ago.. he used to text me, call me a lot and told me he likes me very much.. (in other words he was pursuing me! I didn't like him but somehow I started liking his personality e
- Virgo male--I would like to get him an apology gift
I am an emotional Pisces--I am grounded with the Libra Moon and Aries Venus. People confuse me for a Scorpio or a Virgo oddly. I over texted him--I have a lot going on. I do believe he is highly attracted to me. I met him Tuesday after a break. I apolog
- Friends of the opposite sex...
Do you stop talking to friends of the opposite sex when they get into a relationship or if you get into one? And what's your sign?
I have an Aries and Libra friend that I've known since I was a teen. They used to call me or text me and bug me to hang out
- This Taurus man I'd met online said directly "I don't care anymore". Apologised in the morning.
We didn't meet on a dating site, just casually around a month ago. We haven't met in person and were just texting. He's 9 years older to me and we talked about all the things. He told me earlier that he didn't wish to get married, is nihilistic and said m
- Falling in love during a Pisces moon
It was everything! It was fluid, dreamy, hella romantic and just nice! It was everything I’d ever hoped for on an emotional level between me
and a romantic partner. It was also with a karmic twin flameX Scorpio. Made it extra hard to shake. After so many
- Hardest breakup to date
Was with a Scorpio. I’m happy to say my heart is finally mended though. Took a lot of crying, sleeping, wishing, dying (inside), but I made it. The one takeaway was to stick to my guns. I’ve struggled with boundaries in the past, and this will be the last
- North Node in Aquarius
How ironic that this popped up! I have been studying about north node all day mine is in the 7th house. Anyone have experience with north node in Aquarius? Are you supposed to completely abandon your south node or is it a balance?
- Libra sun with Leo moon and Leo sun with aqua moon
I’m trying to figure out if this is friendly bartender flirting or more. Let me start this by saying I don’t spend much money at this bar. I tip well but since I only drink soda or water, it hasn’t been more than a 10$ tip(over the span of hours).
So thi
- Will someone *please* help me to analyze my chart and identify who would be a good match?
Hello all!
Would someone please be able to help me briefly analyze my chart and help me identify who would be a great match for me?
Sun- Leo
Moon- Libra
Mercury- Virgo
Venus- Cancer
Mars- Aries
Jupiter- Gemini
Saturn- Sagittarius
Uranus- Sagittariu
- X-Post: what does my chart say about me and who would be a good match
Hello all!
Would someone please be able to help me briefly analyze my chart and help me identify who would be a great match for me? I seem to keep dating and meeting people where we aren’t right for each other
Sun- Leo
Moon- Libra
Mercury- Virgo
- my virgo ex
im so sorry for annoying you i seriously need someone to talk to :(
for those who know my story with my virgo ex heres an update, he like has a thing with someone idk if they r officially dating or not but shes a libra. he deleted me from instagram and i
- What can you tell me about this Aries based on his chart
Sun - Aries
Moon - Saggi
Merc - Taurus
Venus - Pisces
Mars - Aqua
What can you tell me?