November 20, 2018
November 20, 2018 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 20
Topics Created On November 20, 2018
- How is the energies of the upcoming full moon in Gemini affecting you
Like every other cycle I feel the full moon rather intensly. But this one feels rather bipolar. One moment I feel amazing the next I feel angry & bitter.
Due to this sway of emotions, which I find very annoying( I can't be bothered with emotions most
- Aries on Fire
This is seriously serious.
I do like him a lot! We just hanged up after he asked me how are we going to proceed and if I will ever consider being with him. I said we are too fresh to early. Let’s cross this bridge when we get to it. He agreed. And asked w
- Older women
Men! What’s about ‘I love older women’?
Is it real? Why?
For me there is one reason. Can’t het younger! Any other reasons? Share please. Assuming you are a stud!
Not a whimp or submissive...
- the need to connect with someone
do you that feel of needing to connect with someone but everyone is to business or just doesnt care?
- Aries women and Aries men
Can they really work in a relationship? I am wondering if i am wasting time with this aries guy.
- How can I know that cancer woman loves me?
Are there any signs that can specifically help me to understand what she feels for me. She is so much of love and care that she give it to everyone even me. But somewhere I feel that she loves me too. I want to make her know that I love her. She is sensit
- Leo Man: Playing With His Prey
My Leo man has just entered stage 2 of the relationship, where he plays with his prey.
I'm partially Sagittarius so my ways are provocative even, and he can't get enough with that. He likes to piss me off, see me burst, but at the same time, watching me
- I'm in Automotives School
And I'm just so grateful because, I went from this
To this
There was no God on my side... Only my time, my experiences, and my ambition.
I'm only 22 years-old and at th
- Intrigued by a guy I met on Halloween.
I met this Sag guy on Halloween again. Actually met him the first time last year at another party. He kind of weirded me out both times because he would STARE at me INTENSELY from across the room. Every time I saw him he was looking at intently.
- Can Aries men jelly?
so in secret is an Aries man jelly but dont show it because it is not a mocho to be? and if you find yourself jelly what do you do? or maybe the jelly is from the other signs in the birthchart
- Dealing with Virgo men
I’m a taurus woman who has been attracting several Virgo men over the past two years and I have had enough. I hear that Taurus and Virgo are a good match but I honestly do not believe that to be true. Taurus is sensual, affectionate, gentle and requires c
- pisces moon/capricorn moon
me (female) being the cancer sun pisces moon
him scorp sun capricorn moon