November 8, 2018
November 8, 2018 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On November 8, 2018
- White people overly emotional?
I usually don't make race threads but today was an acception because this theme kept reaccuring in my head. I've always heard whites say blacks act off of emotion as opposed to intellect. Today I noticed how sensitive white people are when it comes to eve
- Aqua Man + Libra Woman: can we fix it?
So long story short me & my Libra ex of five months broke-up because i was too aloof & by the time i cut the crap & laid my feelings out she said “nah” basically BUT we stayed in contact??
i eventually cut Contact but contacted her again a w
- What term do you use as an adjective to an object if you don't know if it exists or not?
I need it for my case.
- which sign would most likely be a cat lady astrologer?
dj was cancer so capricorn?
- What is most suitable career for me?
What is most suitable career for me?
Sun Taurus
Moon Leo
Mercury Gemini
Venus Gemini
Mars Cancer
Jupiter Gemini
Saturn Capricorn
Uranus Capricorn
Neptune Capricorn
Pluto Scorpio
True Node Pisces
- What is your signature sign? Do you agree with it?
It says my signature sign is Capricorn 😳
- Aries attention
Well...3 weeks before we’ve met he was seriously sex crazy and talked to me about it all day long every day. Among other things...
After we’ve met he keeps waking me up with flowers. Updating me hourly on what he is doing. Keeping it very light. So I’ve a
- Anyone good at Dream interpretation here?
Dreaming about your adult son as a kid playing toys with you. In this case, my mom had this dream.
- Too much sharing :/
Did you ever been in a situation, with coworker, or family member, anyone when they share everything about thier relationship with you?
Like she even talk about sexual things, even the nasty things, then she will laugh and say:” oh god I can’t believe
- Plane Crashes
So recently I've been having dreams of planes crashing near me, and though I haven't died yet I do get injured.
First dream, I was in my apartment when I heard the sound of a plane accelerating very loudly. I run to my back kitchen window just in time to
- Would you.........?