November 12, 2018
November 12, 2018 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 12
Topics Created On November 12, 2018
- Adult tonsillectomy
I’m thinking about getting my tonsils removed but I heard the pain is worse for adults than kids because of scar tissue or sumn.
Has anyone here had their tonsils removed as an adult and lived through the pain? I was also wondering if they prescribe the
- Kind of confused by an aquarius woman
Just kinda need advice about an aquarius woman.
So she is a coworker of mine but works in a different department. Weve worked together for almost 2 yrs. She has always been nice and prettt funny and eccentric. She always seemed cool but i never looked at
- Has Aries Gone Cold on Me? Should I just give space?
Hi. I'm a Sag that was being pursued by an Aries, right up until the weekend just gone. We've only been on 6 dates, and the last 2 we were intimate, where he asked me to spend the night at his house, and meet his temporary housemates. That last weekend
- Would you bail out your friend if you had the money?
He got a DUI for the second time this year and is in jail until Tuesday. I can afford the bail but I’m refusing to do so. Sorry I’m a shitty friend but it feels like this is a lesson the universe needs him to learn.
What would you do?
- Cancer guy is trying to rekindle friendship???
Back in January I became friends with a cancer guy I met at the library. I'm a happily married Capricorn and at the time I thought he was happily married too. We chatted about physics and astronomy. Fast forward to April we were chatting every now and the
- Leo Man's Intensity: Moody Days
So my Leo had a hard week: he was required to focus a lot, to constantly drive from here to there, to spend more time on preparing for his company's events,....all the exhausting works. He told me earlier that week would be overwhelming, and thus, he stil
- 50 Shades of Kinkinesss!!!
So we’re thinking about turning the guest room into a kinky room... any decor ideas???
I want some wild ideas to work with.. 😏😏
- What now ??!?!
Hello Aries peeps,
I've been posting about this Aries guy quite a bit last year. To keep a long story short, we went on a few dates and ending updating for about a year before he moved away to NY for a year. We both knew he was moving away, this was pla
- Cap Men & Love Making
Is there a reason for a Cap man to express himself more emotionally and passionately while being intimate, compared to out of the bedroom?
Is love making sex just sex for a Cappy or is there more behind it?
I'm talking about look you in the eyes, missio
- storybook: bedtime Tales for grave Snatchers by Tommy Richards
Please tell me what you think.
The empty spaces in the trees bristle with a haunting emptiness that was never there before. The morning sun rose with the dwindling breeze of Hurricane Albee. The leaves swirled about the ruins in hopes of creating a beau
- My boyfriend is a workaholic and it's causing problems in our relationship
I desperately need some advice because I don't know what to do.
I love my boyfriend to death and we get along pretty well. He's really affectionate and caring but has one problem. He cares a lot about money and makes it a priority.
He's a workaholi
- What are Koreans really like?
I’d like to hear all about it
- How do gemini's stick to a decision once made
I find it so hard to stick to a decision especially when I'm dating. Even if I have an inkling the guy is shit I get so curious as to why people are a certain way I either stay in the situation or say I'm not going to contact them again and end up doing i
- How to add profile picture?
Hey guys, just asking??
- Fixed moon: aqua and scorpio. How do you feel about each?
- Fwb
Why would a fwb get mad you cut them off and it’s just sexual relations ?! And what would cause your fwb to bring drama to you as example like why would they talk crap about you ? Like it’s just sex they claim why would they be so upset with you ?! Like y
- Do you think...
Sexting or porn is cheating? I’m not sure. Personally I need space to have a fantasy life. I think most people do. There are sexual things that I’d like that I didn’t feel comfortable saying to a partner before and have had chats with sexy strangers like
- The walking dead
anybodys watching?
- Guess their natal chart sign!
I don't have their birthday at all but I have a grasp of their personalities, anyone care to like give this a shot?
A righteous person who has a strong moral code and the type of person who would fight for their beliefs, yet open minded and mellow and e
- Almost-cheaters
1) what led you to look elsewhere?
2) what was the thought process behind your change of mind?
Don't spare me the details, babes, I want the blow-by-blow.
- Abortion and Contraceptives Illegal
I wish I was joking but unfortunately this is true.
Ballot initiatives were approved in West Virginia and Alabama banning abortion. In Alabama they are trying to give personhood rights to a zygote/fetus making certain contaceptives illegal. So by taking
- Aries Man but with a heavily Scorp / Water Chart ?
We are having casual sex.
I'm a Scorpio.
He's an Aries. Cancer moon. Scorpio Rising. Loads of other Scorp placements.
There's this something something about him.
His stare..Still as intimidating as before.
But we connect on a deep level sometimes
- The Giant of Kandahar?
- Hmmmmm....