What does this Scorpio want? I’ll try to make it as short as possible lol
I met a Scorpio man 4 years ago and he was my ex’s friend. We got close because we’d all hang out every weekend. But he always goes MIA. Even after my ex and I broke up we always kept in touch.
Fast forward
Asteroids and Fixed Stars Apart from the most common; Chiron, Juno, Vesta, Pallas, Ceres. Are there any other notable asteroids that could be taken into count while reading the chart?
Are asteroids and fixed stars really that important? Or can we dismiss them?
How will I know if Scorpion guy is playing games or being genuine? Once he confronted me about not having any relationship with this girl (who is one of our friend) and said they were just best friend. Another day I confessed my love to him. And he said he did find me special since he had been personally close to me but