November 21, 2018
November 21, 2018 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 21
Topics Created On November 21, 2018
- I am going to pre-apologize: what should I make of me (Pisces) and this Virguy?
I am a Pisces with Libra Moon. I am very self-aware and know I am spoiled sometimes but extremely thoughtful compassionate and well-intentioned.
In the beginning he was being weird but would randomly message me. We went out on a date, he was being patro
- Herbs and Natural Remedies
What's your go to, or what have you found to help with something you may have suffered from? Any interesting ones you've heard of?
I started drinking tea I'm making from Loquat leaves today. It's got an array of health benefits, vitamins, minerals and is
- Help with a Scorpio girl pleaseeee ☺
I met her 2 weeks ago, she went to my place, common friend invited her. My friend knew I had a crush on this scorpio girl so she kept giving hints to the group, asking me to pass the drink to her, or get SG something. At fist, I was just laughin
- How to Un-mute a Taurus?
Ended my romantic relationship with a Taurus and decided to just be friends. We have not been communicating as much, as I have moved out of the country to start working overseas. Every once in awhile we send little check-in "hellos" and "how are yous" a
- Orbs and Natal Aspects
Sun Opposition Uranus, orb 14°37’
Sun Opposition Neptune, orb 14°53’
Is the orb too wide to be considered an opposition? Or should I consider it anyway?
What's the max orb you use for oppositions and squares?
- Should you act dumb sometimes
So I like many good thing about my cancer .... his personality, his kindness , his ability to empathize and listen . His intellect is not really his selling point though . Not his fault , he’s just a country boy who really weren’t exposed too much until h
- For those who thought they could go through with abortion
If you did , do you regret it?
If you once thought you could go through with it if the scenario occurred, looking back now, do you think you still would’ve have gone through with it ?
Up until the age 22 I said if I got pregnant because birth control fa
- Best Xmas movie?
What’s your favourite Xmas movie?
- The Anaretic Degree - 29º - Do you have any placement?
The 29th degree of any sign is considered the anaretic degree. The anaretic degree is accidentally weak at the end of a sign; therefore, it signifies the end of a cycle. This degree represents either getting too much or too little of something. The las
- can cancer man cheat or lie?
just broke up with my fiancé
he's born under the sun sign of cancer
He made cry alot and he was awfull .. he called me and i didn't hear my phone when i called him back again he was on hold so when i tried to call again he told me why you'r calling me now
- Is Leo interested or playing games
I’ve been dealing with Leo man for about 2 years now. We had a couple dates then it somehow turned into a Netflix and chill situation. During these 2 years he has told me he wants to relocate with me and start the next chapter of his life. He’s told me th
- Aries men funny as...
The first Aries I’ve met and became friends with was my refrigeration man for the business. He called himself my brother and we laughed and fought all the time and still fighting when text.
So my new ‘bf’ Aries is always hillarious. I am still laughing a