November 25, 2018
November 25, 2018 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 25
Topics Created On November 25, 2018
- Your Accumulated/ Sign
- Tats?
Someone said
I can’t stand stupidity and tats.
Googled tats:
make (a decorative mat or edging) by tying knots in thread and using a small shuttle to form lace.
Why would anyone hate decorative mats?
- So I did to much cardio and now my face lost the firm look I used to have, any advice on how to get
It back?? I’m really unhappy because I did to much cardio and it made my face shrink but it also made me it look less full. Any exercises or cosmetic facials or will I have to get fillers ?? Thanks! No negative comments please.
- Pluoto synastry aspects driving me crazy
I'm newly learning about Pluto aspects and I am currently in one and I'm wishing I knew before so maybe I could have tried to avoid this! A guy I met recently we have moon trine Pluto 1 degrees Mars trine Pluto 0 degrees and share Arian energies my Venus
- Capricorn guy just said he's too busy to keep dating me
So I've been on my 13th date in 2 months with a really nice cap guy.
I met him on tinder, we both said we were on there to date and not for sex. He's had a rough time with his ex, he went completely off women for 2 years due to her cheating. In 3 years h
- Capricorn guy just said he's too busy to keep dating me
So I've been on my 13th date in 2 months with a really nice cap guy.
I met him on tinder, we both said we were on there to date and not for sex. He's had a rough time with his ex, he went completely off women for 2 years due to her cheating. In 3 years h
- Who's smarter Aqua or Pisces?
Both men & women
- 8th house and death.
I just looked up 4 peoples 8th house that I’ve known to pass. 3 of them died in the season that their 8 house was in. Even Kim Porter (Diddys ex) died in Scorpio season. She had Scorpio in 8th house. I know 8th house can represent how you go.... but does
- Capricorn guy just completely messed up my head
He's just told me after 2 months that he can't date me anymore cos he's too busy and can't give me the time I need. I never listed expectations or time restraints. I met up with him last night for him to tell me this and he looked so broken.
So I've bee
- Happy Solar Return DMV
So lets solar return chart is interesting.
Sagittarius stellium in the 6th house.
Venus in Libra 5th house, critical degree.
No fixed signs at all.
Jupiter conjunct Sun
Nodal return in Cancer
- Clay roof
How do I it right?
Looking for clay/terracotta roof.
Sent request.
15 companies called to offer me anything BUT!
And it’s Sunday! Tomorrow I’ll have to turn off the phone - they’ll be all over me with everything BUT what I am looking for!!! Morons...
- Mafia League SIGN UP
Tis the season
But it’s not your father’s mafia
Sign up is OPEN
The sign up will remain open unless it ever says otherwise above.
You’ve seen the Intuition League grow to be a daily game taking place twice a year.
Because I hate myself, Now comes the M