November 15, 2018
November 15, 2018 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 15
Topics Created On November 15, 2018
- Possibly getting back together?
So I met this guy 4 months ago one night when I was out with the girls. The minute we met we were attached at the hips and teasing eachother with our crazy sarcasm and jokes all night and ended the night with a kiss. Almost every night for two weeks we we
- Ugggh... I bought Lacoste White...
I was planning to buy Lacoste Relaxed but no stock!
- Pluto Rising Peeps =)
Anyone here a fellow Plutonian? I’ve Scopio asc conjunct Pluto (from the 12th) and Sun, merc, and Venus in the 8th house.
Let’s chat.
- Libra Men Curiosity
Does anybody have any advice for me about Libra men? I'm a Sag Woman and would like to know what they are like on a deeper level.
Thank You,
- friendzoned by virgo?
How do you know the difference between interest and being friendzoned by a virgo man?
my virgo crush and I seem to have a great understanding, good conversations etc. he seems relaxed and engaged like he enjoys our conversations, but he also enjoys his c
- My friends blacklisted me...
I've been losing sleep over this matter and having terrible anxiety fueled nightmares.
For the last month my friends have been pushing me out. It actually wasn't a gradual push, they just kind of ghosted me, out of nowhere.
I've tried texting them, I'll w
- are Pisces known to be liars and manipulators?
recently ive got to know a pisces sun dude and noticed us getting close really fast, after a while some things didnt make sense, he started lying about little things that dont even matter and he is a big manipulator i wanted to know if every pisces dude h
- Virgos crazy?
Seriously. I have alot of Virgo tendencies being born on the cusp . I find Virgos can be annoying nags that can't take what they give. I can be this way at times and I have to check myself so I'm wondering if this is just an unevolved Virgo or just norma
- Who here feels
That the western systems of academia are too light and easy on our children to the point of hindering progression? I know a lot of schools do play based learning for a very long time and also have an easy/slow paced approach to helping children move on to
- Know anyone who got married so they could get a green card?
Tell me about it
- cancer male and aries woman relationship?
hi i personally think this match works and creates better people because aries learns patience.. aries can be the cancers shell in a way.. aries usually don't get like super loved as a kid because we're so independent so cancer provide that and they're re
- Still with my Aries man
Update. SO we have had some ups and downs and broken up a few times.. but he doesn't give up and neither do I, so we have found our way back to each other. Most recently we have been even better than before. He has told me that our physical times are the
- Men and sex ego
It’s been going on for ever and I am just thinking about it because kastnone is ridiculous.
When they approach you and you telling that you aren’t available they start getting obnoxious saying...give me a chance!
No! I am in relashionships.
But I am sur
- Ladies, what's your "target" demographic?
Aka what types do you consistently attract?
My top two as of late are:
"Recently moved here"
"Recently divorced" (i.e. separated)