November 26, 2018
November 26, 2018 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On November 26
Topics Created On November 26, 2018
- Virgo girlfriend
I am a Scorpio. I met this Virgo and I am crazy about her. I been patient, I am going through the friendship stage. She told me to take it slow, which I did, two weeks later we slept together. We planned to have sex as much as we can get together. A day o
- Sag Guy Comes Back But Why
I’m a Pisces with Sag rising and he’s a Sag with Pisces rising. It’s been so long since I was closer with him that I forgot his placements.
We met years ago at a gathering, I wasn’t single and didn’t realize his being polite was flirting. Last year we b
- Cant wait till the years over with
- Unsure about what's going on with this cap female
Hey all, must admit I am at my wits end here with a cappy female of mine I have been seeing for a while. I have been feeling like absolute shit lately, so I really don't know if this is just me really overthinking things or if there is actually something
- Men with Scorpio Moon.
I'll probably get some grief with this topic but I just feel traumatized by all men with Scorpio moon. I don't trust any of them and that sucks, I'm not sure I trust any Scorpio moons, really. :( I just don't see all the loyalty and so on like others
- Can someone please tell me if this synastry would indicate mutual attraction?
Man is inner circle. (birthtime known)
Woman is outer. (birthtime unknown)
- Happy Birthday Biotches and Biotchettes!! :)
- What Mars or Venus should I look for in a woman to satisfy my sexual desires?
As a Capricorn man, I find I only align with some qualities (My sun is largely alone w/ the only other Earth presence being my Neptune in Capricorn which could be considered generational at best). I tend to have considerate stamina but I find that I'm eas
- What a Mercury in Aries knows and talks about?
Mention 3 topics
- Entrepreneurship
- Sports
- Cars
- Venus in Taurus/2nd house people - Do you just attract money without too much effort?
I've read that Venus rules the law of attraction and when its placed in the sign of Taurus (its domicilie) its like a rich soil where any seed can grow and this why people with Venus in Taurus invest so much about feeling good.
People with this placement
- Got more understanding from that Leo this week.
If you remember last year at this time, and my sad ass posting about the Leo up and leaving me- stating "work" obligations. It was sudden and sporadic and I knew I wasn't getting the whole story.
Well during Venus Retro he reached out-- Saying he was th
- How to reinvent relationship with Aquarius
So, after separation in marriage with Aquarius and sorting out why it happened (I pushed him literally into the arms of another women due to emotional abuse and never wanting to go socialize with him anywhere or leave house bc after having baby I gained w
- NASA landing a ship on Mars today
i just learned that NASA is landing a ship on Mars today around 2:00 pm est time. they will be live streaming it
- Am I an Arsehole?
Sooooo quick overview of the situation... My dad's a Gemini, we've never really seen eye to eye but get a long despite everything. So my sister get's a hold of me yesterday asking if I got an email from our dad, no I hadn't... well apparently it was a wed
- Possible Leo/Cusp 7/26
Im a Leo woman. Ive reconnected with an ex who's birthday is 7/26. We are older now and get along great. However, he has commitment issues. I went along with "friends" and he blows hot/cold often. We also are long distance. Im interested in him but have m
- Gem EX
I am pisces woman and i have a Gemini ex . It has been 9 years since we last talked . I recently added him on FB and he immediately accepted it . We started talking from there . He keeps on complimenting me . I was just shocked since he still remembered e
- Are Scorpios somewhat phsycics
I am about to scream!
Last night I was talking to an Aries making plans to meet and have his book promoted and load of shit that was very nice and I was thinking how wonderful that he had happened in my life so I don’t have to lose my mind over a Scorpio