November 10, 2018
November 10, 2018 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On November 10, 2018
- Mature Cancer man
Mature Cancer man who is extremely successful divorced businessman, handsome AF...comes back to me after almost a year telling me he keeps thinking of our hot rime together and can’t wait to come back to me. When back home...
He is presently traveling. T
- Texting vs calling
Working with elders I hear texting bashing almost every day.
Trying to explain to them is pointless.
So today I had a great example of wishing I texted...
My schedule for weekends was not as I expected. If I sent text it would be ‘guys, please check my
- The first animal you see reveals a lot about your personality
- I never thought I’d be here.....
But there is this Taurus lol
Likes/ dislikes please 😁😁
So my Libra just sat down with me tonight and we had yet another serious talk again...and when I say serious I mean the overall message. We still laughed together throughout and he kissed me several times during and after the conversation. Long conversati
- How to know if my Capricorn boss likes me?
- Why cant I simply move on while am a leo ?!
So .. i’m a leo woman 29th/july/1992
i have been in a relationship for 8 years and it was tragic and almost impossible to get over it .. but i did after 2 years .. and i thought its hard because of all those long years we’ve been together..
So i was s
- Let’s get the Taurus forum bck2 being about US
As a Taurus female all i see is non Taurus talking about their relationship issues with Taurus men (haha).
Can we turn this back into a space were we as Taurus connect with other Taurus’ ??
Sooooooo how are my fellow Taurus’ doing during Venus’ retro
- What do you think about people who don't vote?
- I want to die so bad and I’m trying everything.
I don’t know how much longer I can take this life. No one but my therapist knows how crippling my depression and anxiety is. I just slept for practically 3 days straight. I don’t tell my friends much because I don’t want to dim their light. Especially cau
- Taurus and I just got into the biggest fight and idc...
I just don't care anymore. I just completely blew up at my significant other and hea reying to flip the switch onto me not being appreciative. I'm not backing down, I dont care. I called him, lazy, stubborn and unreliable and I meant it.
Since September
- Are these charts good for a romantic relationship?
Synastry + Composite.
Man is Cap and woman is Aquarius. I was worried because I didn't see any obvious indications of sexual attraction and
most of the aspects looked like they favored a platonic relationship.
- Capricorn and depression/SAD
Tne Cappy I’m dating has entered a seasonal affective disorder down wave about two weeks ago.
While I also feel these general energies around this time of the year with less sun and the “dying world” of the lwaves shedding and the end of the Zodiac year
- Signs that almost always defeat Scorpios in power struggles and competitive situations.
I have noticed over time that certain signs almost always defeat the self-proclaimed "strongest sign" of the zodiac in power struggles and here they are.
1. Capricorn.
In some ways they have the obsessiveness and hunger for power of a Scorpio but are a
- I have the best chart
This is like chart of the elite... the royalty...the don donna... the bomb jefa... the Lady... but you can call me Boss.
Sun: Cap
Moon: Libra
Merc: Aqua
Venus: Aqua
Mars: Sag
Disagree? Fight me.
- New Cards
I just bought my first Tarot deck (Rider Waite)..where did you guys learn the tarot?
- Are Aqua men strange?
How long sows it take to get Agua man to understand he has to stop pursuing?
Are they fucking dense to the point that if told off from the beginning - they’ll try until when?
I didn’t want to be mean! But I had to! He said stop talking. I am done. And ke
- Virgos! How long does it take you to say I love you
I posted this in the wrong forum at first 😂🤷🏾♀️
I’m at work doing nothing so I figured I’d ask. Please be nice I’m a Scorpio who has come in peace 😂😂😂😂. No but seriously I’m still seeing the virgo/cancer from months ago and I know he loves me but he doe