March 16, 2019
March 16, 2019 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 16
Topics Created On March 16, 2019
- Remote viewing
I thought I already did a topic about this but apparenty not.
Remote viewing just works. I know it is heavily mocked by people who can only mock and won't invest time and dedication into doing anything outside the flock, but after studying paranormal pow
- Anyone
Familiar with your mars falling into someone else’s 7th house? Or your Pluto falling into someone’s 8th house? Let a bishhh know 👅
- How do I convert an AAE file to JPG?
- what do you (cap man) like about your cancer gf?
my cap bf: moon in taurus and saggitarius rising.
me: cancer sun, virgo moon and cancer rising.
- Trying to understand Capricorn behaviors
Hi Capricorns!
I want to know what you think of their story and why you think Zayn did what he did. Personally, I am only aware of the followimg information:
- Zayn is a Capricorn male, Perrie is a Cancer female and Gigi is a Taurus female.
- Zayn purs
- Cancer w/ Pisces or Scorpio
Hi, im a 21 year old Cancer female.
I hear that Pisces and Scorpios are the best match for my sign but for some reason none of the Pisces and Scorpio in my life feel gravitated towards me. Personally, I really like Scorpios but it’s completely one-sided.
- When and how to pursue a pisces woman
ok so first of all I've met this pisces woman not long time ago and I really liked her. To cut the story short, we're good friends now and she do know that I like her but she's hard to understand and she's just letting me do the courting thing. The questi
- How many Scorpios on here into their tarot readings? What's your faivorite deck?
Iv been reading tarot cards for many years now. I have clairaudiance as a gift. I also astral travel. Anyone else in here a tarot enthusiast? I'm also offering a few free readings to my fellow scorps, so if your interested message me or add me on Instagra
- Seducing Aquarius?
Hi everyone! So I have posted quite a few questions on this Aquarius Sun/Taurus Moon man. We will def be hanging out again in about 4 weeks. It will be our third time hanging out. I was wondering how to seduce an Aquarius with this placement. Would it be
- Changes of getting Taurus Man back?
Hey guys I hope to get a better idea on my situation. I was hoping to hear from Taurus men regarding this topic so here it goes:
I met my Taurus man from online dating. Initially I was not so much interested in him mainly because he was nonchalant with h
- Happy Belated Piscean Loves
It twas yesterday . I was drunk so I forgot.
But better late than Happy Birthday!!!!!