March 11, 2019
March 11, 2019 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 11
Topics Created On March 11, 2019
- Old white ppl are the meanest people to deal with in customer service.
They will literally emotionally abuse you to get their way. It’s gross. I’m also an extremely white girl. It’s just an observation. Lol like most white people are entitled and narcissistic. This is my first customer service job so I’m meeting some many di
- Are cancer men sociopaths?
So many of these men have come across my path and they all seem to be the unevolved kind ...habitual liars, cheaters, martyrs and charmers. They will say anything to get into your pants and stroke their own ego (which is insatiable btw).
Then (shockingl
- Any Vegetarians?
If so, then for how long? I started off as a lacto- vegetarian last month and somehow I did it. Now its March, i'm already getting bored with my food choices and starting to procrastinate . So, any vegetarian ideas for me to try?
- Why would someone ruin a friendship?
Person 1 is friends with Person 2.
Person 2 is friends with Person 3.
Person 1 and Person 3 don't really care for one another.
Person 1 purposefully tells Person 2 a hand full of lies to destroy the friendship between Person 2 and Person 3, assuming.. fo
- Aquarius sun Taurus moon interest?
Hi ya'll. So I think I've been kinda talking to an Aquarius with Taurus moon. We have a long story and have known each other for a very long time. Recently, he texted me to hang out. We did. Cool. It was a great time. Didn't text after that, but agreed we
- How to slowly let a Virgo man down
So i am done with the Virgo guy as i lost the spark after he tried to test me we got in contact but i ain't feeling him the way i did before i am done either i be blunt or i let him down slowly i just don't know how to he already reacted insecure whenever
- Aquarius sun Taurus moon interested?
Hi ya'll. So I think I've been kinda talking to an Aquarius with Taurus moon. I'm a Libra with Aries moon. We have a long story and have known each other for a very long time. Recently, he texted me to hang out. We did. Cool. It was a great time. Didn't t
- Who is @Mariposa_
Can she be trusted? @_@