March 2, 2019
March 2, 2019 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 2
Topics Created On March 2, 2019
- Let Me Read Your Palms
Leave a photo of both your hands
- What would you do?
You get married and suddenly, your husband/wife no longer wants to have sex with you. You're lucky if you have sex once a year, and when it does happen, it's for your birthday and seems like a chore to them.
They don't allow you to perform oral sex, and
- Pisces do you have a hard time closing yourself off?
So I was at this house party I was invited to by a friend, he was the only one I knew. And those guys were just not my type of people. They had a (in my opinion) horrible music taste and sang along to stuff like this, I swear:
- Why are water sign males my only friends
Who text me "K" lol
- Rocket vs Stubbs
Fight to the death.. or until the fall asleep from boredom.
Who wins?
- Do ppl here kno nething about spirituality?
Or just dummies think everything’s magic want to talk about themselves in code? Be honest!
- Neediness - how do I get rid of it
Any insight / experience is welcome of course.
- A bit of help, please?
Hi everyone! I'm an Aquarius sun, Pisces rising, Sagittarius moon and Aries venus woman and I'm curious as to why I seem to only attract Capricorn men. Granted, I am very attracted to Capricorn men physically but otherwise I cannot stand them. Emotionally
- Lying
Is it ever "okay" within the context of dating, relationships, or marriages?
Please elaborate.
- Confession from Taurus man with heavy pluto and scorpio
What possibly can go wrong?
You heard all the streets goes to Rome?
Taurus man is when you want to have a relationship with all the gestures goes to explore your true self.
If you used to be that person who hate/refuse/neglect/denial ... your true self
- Scorpio man and Capricorn woman, both having strong desires, could it be a match made in heaven?
Patiently awaiting for this Capricorn woman to say yes, is it worth the wait?
- Bad marriages, bad relationships, bad employment environments, and bad friends...
By Zodiac sign, who are the absolute worst people you have had to deal with?
This can include being in a bad marriage, a bad relationship, bad friendship, bad employment environment, bad family situation, etc...
The absolute worst people...
And how did