March 12, 2019
March 12, 2019 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 12
Topics Created On March 12, 2019
- Broke up with Aquarius after an intense telenovela-like relationship. Did it really end?
I hate sounding so clingy. But I am. I'm a cancer and have been with this aquarius for 6 years.
He is an amazing guy, but he is one of the strangest guys I've ever met.
When we started dating everything was fireworks, everywhere: in bed, on the street,
- Got Milk?
That is all..
- Check out my Tarot Youtube Channel
Hey guys! My name is Simone and I've finally created my Youtube Channel where I'm doing tarot readings for each of the signs. I've wanted to for some time and finally decided to! I will be doing monthly, weekly and occasionally daily reads! I'm really exc
- Let's Play DXP Averages
Percent of CC's threads being click-baits
Percent of Heavy's threads being about Jed
Percent of hydorah's posts being found on firebunny threads
about 90%
Percent of firebunny's threads being found on Miscellaneous
Percent of Ands' th
- Cancerian Boss
Need some guide on how to improve myself from a woman Cancerian boss perspective? I'm the usual ambitious Cappy woman and there's a work promotion coming up that is important to me that I'm also competing along with a Leo man. So I also want to know how t
- Taurus men say things out of anger ?
So my Taurus guy and I have hit a rough patch. Apparently he's got a lot on him with work and his 2 young kids. It seems as if he hasn't been able to connect with me in the way he had hoped to. It's kind of caused us to clash a bit. I take responsibility
- Leo Man Virgo Woman
I’m a Virgo and I have recently been with a Leo man. We have been talking to each other for three months. In those three months, his communication skills were trash. I would text him and won’t hear him for hours and then when I did it back to him he was u
- Aquarius sun Taurus moon interested?
Hi ya'll. So I think I've been kinda talking to an Aquarius with Taurus moon. We have a long story and have known each other for a very long time. Recently, he texted me to hang out. We did. Cool. It was a great time. Didn't text after that, but agreed we
- How do I get her attention back?
I'm usually friends with someone for months before I date them. I talk to many girls but I don't smash and pass. Sex is easy to get but good company isn't. Then I finally met a girl who I fell in love with. But I had to fuck it up. She has a busy schedule
- Facts don't care about your feelings 😢
Risk of crash
USA, Japan, Canada... 1 in 14 milion
- Cannot decode this Capricorn man
Capricorn man I'm getting to know for a month n a half now, seems to be hot and cold. Are all Caps like that?
What is puzzling me for real, does he communicate more like a Capricorn or a Sagittarius according to his placements..?
I am not familiar with
- Scorpio checking on you
Hi Everyone
There is this scorpio guy who is a far relative of mine.
Recently i've been in touch with him due to a family wedding over social media.
I've been told by his sister that apparently checks on my last seen status as soon as he wakes up, check
- Ladies, are you attracting your Mars or your Jupiter?
Where is your Jupiter and Mars?
What sign are they in?
I have Jupiter in Cancer it is in the 11th House. My Mars in Libra is in the 3rd house.