March 9, 2019
March 9, 2019 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 9
Topics Created On March 9, 2019
- If each sign was a fruit?
What fruit would they be?
Aries: cherry
Taurus: watermelon
Gemini: pineapple
Cancer: peach
Leo: strawberry
Virgo: apple
Libra: grapes
Scorpio: black berry
Sag: mango
Cap: prunes (no turning this around by saying plums)
Aqua: tomato
Pisces: kiwi
- Why does my ex bf still pay my bills?
My ex bf still pays my bills and comes to my house uninvited. It’s been six months. He acted like he was done, but I can’t get him to go away. I’m really confused
- Which one of you moved?
- Virgo First Date ideas
What are some great first date ideas to take a virgo woman on? This virgo in particular is super spiritual, healthy, vibrant, and energetic. She mentioned to me that nobody had ever really taken her on a first date before and I want to knock this out of
- Aquarius guy disappearing?
Hey Everyone! I met an Aquarius a few months ago, I'm a gemini (He also has moon in gemini). We had instant connection and he was super into me. We spent NYE together and his birthday. I met all his friends. We haven't slept together yet (He hasn't really
- Confused by Leo man
A Leo man I know through other people started snap chatting me. He’s very flirty. We are both in a relationship. I ignored for a while but then didn’t want to be rude & started replying back. My bf was annoyed so he friend requested him. Leo didn’t m
- Why does my ex still pay my bills?
He still comes to my house uninvited and pays my bills. Why would he do this if he wanted to break up??
- Gemini Men: How do you feel about Virgo gals?
- You know ur a virgo when?
- Who Do You Think Is More Picky?
About sex partners? Men or women? I think it's men....
- South Node in the 12th House
The native should give less importance towards his inner worlds, fears, and phobias. Instead, he must concentrate on the health of his body, work and building harmonious relations with his co-workers, employers, and employees. In addition, a vital karmic
- Game Night Food Ideas
Open to hearing ideas and tips! I'm hosting game night twice a month at my home and want to keep the foods I serve fresh, new, and yummy.
Thanks in advance!
- Women Will Try to Put You in a Weaker Position if You Live With Them
Cuz they the real control freaks...
I'm living with a woman now and we aren't even in a relationship.
Since the day I established we gonna live together, my strength has been tested every fuckin day...
And if I was to lash-out, I risk me getting kicked
- Clairsentient
Is it possible to become clairsentient later in life, say in your 20’s?
I know most psychics are born that way, but lately I’ve been picking up on energies more than normal.
I’ve always been able to pick up on vibes from people, but I just figured that’
- Slippery fish aka Pisces
Hey guys,
Need your insights on my situation with a Pisces man.
Met online, hit it off instantly on our first date, texted for months (we’re in different countries), he came to visit, continued texting/calling in a romantic flirty manner, discussed our
- Analysis of Dems for President
- Post weapons of mass destruction
Here are some according to @black-mamba aka don lemon