March 13, 2019
March 13, 2019 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 13
Topics Created On March 13, 2019
- Hello
Hello everyone :)
- 30 Days No Contact
Hey guys,
I know there's been threads on this but just stick with me here...
Have you done 30 Days No Contact? What did you discover about yourself, the other party and the relationship after? What were some final conclusions at the end? :)
- London
I may have to put a best friend sleep...
she's a terrier mix. Her name is London.
I don't have enough energy right now.
If you are into prayer please, they would
be helpful. thank you..
- Why do you guys barely discuss libra men?
It’s bugging me greatly. They seem like one of the least spoken about. Is it because most of them come off asexual or metrosexual? Because that would make a lot of sense. I’ve barely came across people discussing long term relationships with libra men. Wh
- What is difference between Feb and March Pisces?
I have noticed some major differences between the two. From my experience the Feb Pisces tend to be more emotional than march ones. I have also seen more successful Pisces from the Feb bunch in terms of business. The men in Feb are both emotional and str
- 12andus says having Venus or Mars in 11th house=Cheaters.
Well, damn! I have both!
I never heard this before.
- Aqua women
Should be an inspiration to the rest of women & men for their strong sense of self confidence & work ethic. I always thought they were wierd kinda flip floppy, bit I kinda have a new found respect for them. They are very wise & perceptive of i
- Fixed signs secretly insecure
When u first meet them? Like they feel like they have to put on a presentation of a restrained person instead of being themselves.(excluding aqua). Cardinals are brash Mutables are idiots
- Monogamy
When are people gonna accept it's not realistic in the societal view?