March 28, 2019
March 28, 2019 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 28
Topics Created On March 28, 2019
- What are the perks of going to college in your opinion
Most people without college are successful
- My friend slept with his brothers wife
I told him to tell him and be honest but he says it was a long time ago and they are not together anymore.
He says it’s tortures him till today
- How long is LDR
Nevermind the subject.
Just trying to see if my posts are visible...
- Carnivore Diet
I'm beginning my cutting cycle and thinking of giving this thing a half-hearted try. I don't believe in diets so I'm still gonna eat my vegetables but drastically cut down on carbs.
Anyone try?
- Newbie questions sorry
Would an asc effect how you show interest in someone?
Like if someone has all Libra placements but a Scorpio asc would they be all secret about liking someone?
Also if a guy has mars in Leo and a girl has a Leo asc is that like him not liking the real
- Fuck dxp
- Finger painting
- Depressed Cancer man
Hi Guys
Me and my boyfriend are both INFJ and he is a cancer.
Just lately he has had lots of work stress, I have suggested get another job, but he has no confidence and even when I list the things he has done privately on cars that he doesn't need a cer
- Lowkey
i was having a whirlwind of a day and u saw that this guy was being a horndog under my pictures.
Usually I wouldnt give a hoot but I needed to see some positive reinforcement today.
Lowkey it's nice to have men be horn dogs. It has its place you know.
- Missing my a$$hole cappy
I wanna hit him up but I'm finally healing but still willing to be hurt just to be with him. Very insane I know....feels like Stockholm syndrome....but anyway just had to vent a bit but I still miss him...the good side of him...his representative
- Consult your synastry with the significant other for $4
Please, DM me for detail.
- Can't wrap my head around 2D birth charts
Hi there,
I am fairly new to astrology, but I have a hard time wrapping my head around the 2D image of a birth chart.
At the bottom of this post you can find a little moving 3D animation to illustrate where my confusion comes from. (It's quite a big gif
- Semen Injections $4
PM for details.