March 26, 2019
March 26, 2019 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 26
Topics Created On March 26, 2019
- Why Do Men Like To Be Treated Like Garbage?
Almost every man I've ever met idealized some woman who treated them badly. Ignored them, cheated on them, never had sex with them, was an alcoholic, couldn't commit. Is it the bad girl thing that just gets your motor running or what?
I mean they like w
- Who understand Capricorn moon the best?
- Which air sign is more committed in relationships?
- Aqua women I adoreee you
You are beautiful, intelligent, sexy, stylish, well versed, communicative, creative, loyal, independent ass compassionate humanitarian power house goddesses. What can’t you do??? I must say (even though I’ve had some aqua friends), I HAVE BEEN SLEEPING ON
- Help with a Capricorn woman
I have this Capricorn coworker. I've known her since 2015. I instatnly had a crush on her. I was aleays tagging along her during break and stuff as one of my close friends became a her really close friend. She was friendly to me but I felt like she didn't
- Is this a fate?
So you all know my story about my capricorn bf cheating on me and all that shit. After one tear later a scorpio enters my life. And before that i was thinking to date a scorpio and lol he entered in my life. So 2-e days ago i was thinking of leaving him.
- How to study vedic astro?
Where could I find valid ressources so that I can get to study vedic astro?
I understand that it is very interesting and also somehow connected with ayurvedic medicine. But what I was able to find online is so boring and I feel dissaponinted.
- What Is This Aquarius Man Thinking?
Hello everyone. New story here. I have posted here a few times about a certain Aquarius, and this is a completely different story, completely different Aquarius. This one has Cap moon, Cap Venus. I was his first real love. He always told me he's never bee
- Jussie Smollett got away!
But seriously, how was he supposed to get a fair trial? Everybody and they momma heard about this. With all the leaks and misconduct by police it would never have gone to trial.
- Roast Me! I Need A Reality Check.
I've been acting 'ungrounded', I feel like I need a slap back to reality, and roasting me might do it.
sun, mercury, and saturn in cap
moon and mars in sag
rising and venus in aqua
jupiter in cancer
- Obsessive Lovers .. is this a Taurus thing?
Fellow Tauruses: When you like or fall in love with someone does that person become all you think about? I am consumed with that person, usually. I mean I work, and do my usual adult tasks etc; lol.. but in my quiet thoughts I'm always thinking of him or
- Cancer sun Aqua Moon Venus Leo with Libra Sun Taurus Moon Venus Virgo Relationship
Hey all I'm a Cancer Sun Aqua Moon Venus Leo with a Libra sun Taurus Moon Venus Virgo . Does anyone know how this would work out ?
- Any idea how this relationship would work out ? Cancer sun Aqua moon with Libra sun Taurus
Hey all I'm a Cancer Sun Aqua Moon Venus Leo with a Libra sun Taurus Moon Venus Virgo . Does anyone know how this would work out ?
- Aqua Moon with Taurus Moon ...
How would these two get along in a relationship ?
- Is it a deal breaker...
If she's constantly gassy when she sleeps over?
- Are these compatible?
Scorpio sun
Gemini moon
Scorpio mercury
Scorpio venus
Gemini mars
Virgo sun
Taurus moon
Virgo mercury
Leo venus
Libra mars