March 29, 2019
March 29, 2019 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On March 29
Topics Created On March 29, 2019
- Help! should I trust this virgo man???
So guys if anyone knows virgo men well please help. In December I started talking to my virgo lover. Things went exceptionally well. He wooed me and made sure to see me frequently at times he knew i would get out of work just so he could drive me home. Ev
- librawomanandSagman
guys share any one experience with Sagittarius man dated libra woman? how is it? im a libra woman dated and living with sag man for two months enlighten me i want a long term relationship with this man. hes a good man.
- Winning A Cappy Over???
I’m with a cappy who trusts me and opens up to me... but has some emotional bagage holding him back from progressing into a relationship. When we are together we are a bunch of smartass fools making eachother laugh and having intellectual conversations. O
- Is trolling necessary?
The more I explore the internet, I see a lot of people who believe shitting on people's delusion is obvious. A national right even. I want to know people's thoughts on this sentiment.
- Consult your synastry with the significant other for $.01
Such a bargain. But you'll have to give my Nigerian uncle your bank account number ,accurate chart and authorize a transfer.
Guaranteed delivery.
- Virgo expectations??
If a virgo likes something physically about you, like for example if they say they love how you look in red....are you supposed to then start wearing red more around them or will they take it the wrong way if you dont?? lol. Do they give compliments or ar
- Helpful Capricorn man
Is there a difference between a cap who helps you with things because you ask him to and doing helpful things because he wants to?
What's the difference if so.
- Contentment
Would you like to make a change at yourself or are you completely happy with what you have?
For me, I am completely happy with my decisions and the results thereof but I still want to be able to fix my sleeping and eating habits.
As regards my progress
- Cancer man mad because l don't like his new potential girlfriend?
I have this guy at uni, l had a weird energy for a while. He was interested in some girls and l stayed out of his sight. Anyway, now he is interested in this girl, which is quite bitchy and arrogant. He was shocked that l knew about them, he was blushing
- Not the Usual Tourist Destinations
For my bucket list purposes...
I wanna go to...
1. Sedona, Arizona
2. Tasmania, Australia
3. Slovenia
I want to hear your suggestions. Thank you
- I have an Aries niece!
Born at 2:57 this morning!
She joins her Pisces and Scorpio older brothers, as well as her Pisces and Cancer parents.
May God have mercy on her fiery soul.
Or theirs. It's too soon to tell which team is gonna need the most prayers, lol.
- By Kilian
I’m not a big perfume girl. I love men’s cologne, but most female formulas in your standard Macy’s, Ulta, and Sephora make my head hurt and have an udertone of something out of hospital.
... Enter the brand that sells perfume that costs up to my entire m
- Capricorn parents
Do they exist?
How are they, who here has one?
I realized that, out of all the sun signs, I never seen anybody post about one on any threads in here. And the only one I know of is my sister-in-law, who’s cold and militant. But I have nobody to compare
- Living With Your So
How many of you do? Is it okay? Does it make your relationship more serious? ( not married people ) The pisces says if we are still together come August and both our leases are up he'd like to live together.
Mostly I think I'd be okay with it. Our dogs
- Good match for me?
I’m seem to always end up in relationships with earth signs. My longest relationship was with a Virgo. Second was with a Taurus.
All positive feedback is welcome. Thanks.
Rising Virgo
Moon Cap
Sun Sag
Venus Sag
Mars Sag
- Halloween 2019
Lets talk best night of the year. Have you thought about your costume yet?
Bestie wants us all to go as x-men.
Debating between Emma Frost and Jean Grey.
- If you cant have kids and you just have 3 options which one you would choose?
Carry a Donors Baby
Stay Childless and miserable
Also, would you stop dating or would you continue dating during this process?
- Aries Moon