July 3, 2018
July 3, 2018 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 3
Topics Created On July 3, 2018
- Wishy-washy Libras only
Anyway, this is not about relationships. Background: i stayed in one company for 5+ years eventhough it wasnt perfect, but that company scr+wed me. After that, i became mercenary ~i went to the highest offer (project is interesting, lucky). But it stil
- supposed soulmates horary chart help please
I've been dating this guy for 2 months I asked the question please help me..thank you
- happy birthday @GC06
help me wish a happy birthday to a very special big hearted crab!~!!
- Shadiest DXPer?
I am sensing some things but will reveal my answer after a couple of posts.
- Aqua On Air and Water
This guy is funny...love his laugh when he talks about "awesome but paranoid Scorpios"π²π and he really does not like Geminis! π¬
Enjoy π
- libra man
i met this libra dude bro hes so clingy wtf are y'all like that? he just wont leave me alone keeps following and unfollowing me on social media and trying to find ways to get in touch with me thats been happening for months now lol
- Whats is unique about the chart
Hi, im new to this forum and to astrology aswell. So i found out what my chart looked like and watched a cupple of youtube videos and now im here asking for help. What can you tell me about my chart? Anything is helpful, Im very curious Big Grin
- Which sign loves to travel the most?
- two scorpios dating
im a sun scorp and moon leo and my boyfriend is also sun scorp and moon leo are we like the same person or what??? lol
- Help with my birth chart
Would like an insight about my birrh chart. It really intrigues me since i recently discover i have 2 planets in 12 houses (cancer moon and cancer mercury, both in 12th).
Sun leo
Ascendant leo
Moon cancer
Mercury cancer
Venus virgo
Mars in cap
- Transit chart help please
- Hard year for me sun at 29 degrees help
Hi can anyone tell me when this will get easier and what do they see! Iβve been so tired lately! And I see such a change in my personality!
- Why most guys I attract are Taurus?
I wonder if there is any specific thing Taurus men are easily attracted to. My last 3 romances have all been Taurus.
I'm a capricorn.
- Aries' Depression
Hi, this is rather an awkward topic. But here it goes.
Long story short: He had a one-year rship then he was dumped, and dated me 3 months since > one day he was oblivious after work and I had a bike crash without having him defending me > I confro
- is there anyone i can talk to? need help emotionally
Hi everyone....long time lurker her.....it's very late from where i am posting and there is no one i can speak to right now. is anyone out there?
I'm vry upset and really need someone
- Looking for interview subjects
Iβm looking for strong believers in astrology and the zodiac of any culture for an interview! You can see my contact information on the βposterβ at this link:
- Aries woman & Taurus man..
i am an aries women in relationship with taurus man... he is introvert and am extrovert.. so its really difficult to communicate through call.. we are in long distance relationship.. around him i am vry shy.. I really dont knw how to make him comfortable
- Is aries woman feminine???
Is there are any feminine characters in aries?? How to be more feminine by keeping aries qualities??
- A Pisces Way of Life
So my north node is in Pisces (hence south node in Virgo). I've been reading some great articles on North Node Pisces but wanted to hear it from you guys on how I can move away from the Virgo South Node and embrace a more Pisces Way of Life? Supposedly it