July 15, 2018
July 15, 2018 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 15
Topics Created On July 15, 2018
- Taurus Man Breaking My Heart- What Can I Do? Please Help me
A few months ago my neighbor brought his brother over to meet me..we instantly clicked. I felt like the moment I opened the door I was staring at someone I had knew for a long time. We talked and they left. Later that night he came back, helped me wash th
- I miss dating the beauty queen/supermodel
- I ran into the Scorpio that Ghosted me today....
So I went to a music festival today and ran into the Scorpio Man that ghosted me a few months back. It was a bit of a surprise since I know he is not fond of crowds and also because he knows I would have been there. I was walking to the dance floor and
- Social media
Do you guys feel yourselves completely getting rid of social media when going through things? Or do you just delete the app?
Personally I always completely remove it. I feel likes it’s nice to get away from a lot of mouths who more than often have nothi
- 6 Years of Fire (2013-18) and 6 Years of Water (2019-24)
The Years 2013 through 2018 all contain the element of fire while the years 2019 through 2024 all contain the element of water.
2013 - Water Snake - snake's elements are metal and fire.
2014 - Wood Horse - horse's elements are fire and earth
2015 - Wood
- Dr. Llaila Afrika | Afrikan Holistic Zodiac & Astrology for Better Health
- Assassination of presidents Lincoln and John Kennedy
Can we talk about how both had their moon placed in the 12th house, and their Mars placed in the 8th house?
(Side-topic, JFK has Venus in the 8th house squared Moon, and that talks a lot about cheating and infidelity..)
- Can Taurus and Gemini work?
I'm a Taurus with Moon in Aquarius and he's a Gemini with Moon in Saggitaurus. We aren't in a relationship only friends. But I want to be friends with benefits. And he seems to be ok with it. He has Mars and Mercury in Cancer. And I've read that people wi
- What means progressed chart?
- Writing a Historical Fiction...
...the events and places of which are based on my googling and youtubing...
What do you think will the outcome be?
I'm writing a book set somewhere in French Basque Country but I've never been there. At all.
- Unusual Baby Names
*Eugenie - female version of Eugene
*Pyrene - the lover of Hercules
*Estelle - French baby name, originating as Latin for "star"
*Siddhartha - derived from Sanskrit, meaning "accomplished"
*Genevieve - used to be popular during World War I, popularity has
- Cheating and admitting
Inspired by another thread which asking if you cheated would you tell your partner. That thread is in the same forum.
MY question is...fist of all why would you cheat on a person whom you still care about? I seriously can’t imagine having someone I am sl
- DXPIL Season 4 Quarterfinal: Aries Moon vs Scorpio Uranus
Aries Moon Fire
14-10-0 (*28 pts*)
8th Ranked Offense
Goals For: 34
4th Ranked defense
Goals Against: 32
Gentle Scorp in Ur-Anus
- Eclipse Season (July 2018)
What the hell?! Sudden changes, unexpected loss, wil moods. It needs to end soon!
- I think I lost a Scorpio for good. Will he come back?
Hi. I just registered to this site and I want to know if I can get advice from Scorpios but in private.
I don't like to share my personal stories where everyone can read it.
It can be a female or male Scorpios but I'm dealing with a confusing Scorpio man