July 20, 2018
July 20, 2018 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 20
Topics Created On July 20, 2018
- DXPIL Season 4 Semifinal: Taurus Taco Mars vs Aqua Mars Logic
Taurus Taco Mars
13-9-2 (*28 pts*)
7th Ranked Offense
Goals For: 35
6th Ranked Defense
Goals Against: 33
Aqua Mars Logic
- Forgiveness by a Cancer female
I am a Virgo male. Unfortunately I messed things up with my Cancer girlfriend.
Since we became official 6 months ago she became my priority in life and I was so focused on what I wanted out of the relationship. What timeline it should be. When to
- Obnoxious Virgo Sister
My Libra have an older sister who I believe is 2-1 year older than me.
She's a Virgo, however, the most obnoxious Virgo person I have ever meet.
Yknow, I seriously expected she will be the typical virgo who is more logical. But it is the complete frea
- What does the Venus signs do to an Aries man?
What could you tell me about his personality based on that?
He is:
Aries sun
Aries moon
Taurus rising
Pisces Venus***
Scorpio mars.
- Seen Your man cry
Ladies (or gents), have you ever seen your man cry/ has your man ever cried in front of you? What was he crying about? Did you feel closer to him? Did you lose respect for him? (be honest, we all know what the cookie-cutter, pageant answer is, but I’m jus
- Is Cancer really a nurturer who cares about other people feelings?
Or they just pretend in order to get people to like them and fullfill their need for security?
- Do Scorpion really catch other people intentions?
I thought Scorpions do understand the vibes and intentiins of other without expressing out.
But I think its wrong. Scorpion cannot sense wats going on with them or around them.
I have been ignoring this scorpion friend of mine since more than 3 weeks no
- How would you describe person being Sun in Scorpio and Moon in Leo
I am worried about a person who has this placements
- Met Another Aries!!
Help me not mess this one up okay? :D Hell yes to attracting the fire lately!! No more water signs!!
- I recently cut my childhood best friend off. Very hurt.
My best friend my whole life has been in an abusive and toxic relationship with a Taurus for 7 years. he has a prostitute addiction, hits her, takes her money, is emotionally abusive, separates her from her friends and family. I've had her move into my ho
- 12th house
Even without like and believe in astrology, because peoples have right to change everything, and we no have autoral rights of concepts. I need to give knowledge about this house, a lot of peoples says pratical things about this house, but not the truth, t
- bet it all or run??
I’m in the very beginning stages here with a Pisces boy. Now, I’m a scorpio ascendant/sun/venus, just your very typical scorpio. My gemini moon makes me a little bit more easy going though, and talkative! When I like someone, I like them HARRRRRDD and I g
- If your casual date told you the same thing you told him
I’m dating a guy casually/fwb type. He planned a weekend getaway somewhere. On the ride to our destination, I mentioned I read that some people do something that’s (insert something controversial). He was all like “ omg why would you read that, you should
- Virgo man: Fight or flight ?
- What would make a libra man distance himself from me?
Also he's younger than me. It was all great but he distanced himself from me. Why? Lol
- My Pisces boyfriend - I need feedback
I have a gut feeling he is rethinking things or trying to get me to be mad and break up(?) even though he responds but has been taking longer to reply lately. Just 2 days ago I got a card in the mail from him saying "Hello My Love, I just wanted to write
- I've been stung by a Scorpio! Now what???
I'm almost positive I've been stung by a Scorpio male.
I've always gotten along with him but we had a little misunderstanding and he just did something really hurtful on purpose.
He said he was going to help me this weekend with something that was import
- Libra relationships
Im curious, ladies, which sign is a good partner and friend to you? Good conversations
Im just having a random thought here that i wont be happy with a successful guy who is always busy. Id rather have someone like a friend i can talk to about random stuf
- Signs of fame in natal chart
I know that 10th house is the first sign of fame in natal chart
But I wanna know about ALL about the other signs, you know?
What do you think guys?
- Why is this man so freakin lost in the sauce?!
Ok GOd bless him. I love him dearly as a friend but damn...
Libra Moon
Cap Merc
Venus Scorpio
Gem Mars
He's good with his job. But everything else in life he's such a moaner... and little things make him moody. And not Cap kind of moody where they j
- Aries women of DXP
Please tell me your ways, specially how you all connect or don't with Capricorn men.
May embark on the beginnings of a union with an Aries rammete.