July 23, 2018
July 23, 2018 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 23
Topics Created On July 23, 2018
- How do they act when they want you back?
I broke up with this guy and he told me he still wanted to be my friends and spend time with me. He also told me I could call him whenever I needed him and he didn't need to be intimate with me to be around me and that he wants to see me when he's back in
- Have you guys ever dated a Capricorn?
If so, what was your experience with one?
- In what sign and house is your Juno?
- Pisces Physical apperances
What do you guys think is a for sure physical characteristic for Pisces, Pisces/Aries cusp, Aquarius/Pisces?
- How do you approach a Virgo man being distant
I'm in a long distance relationship with a Virgo man. Being a scorpio woman I found the first few months of being away rather difficult. I do have trust issues but I fought with him for his time. I fought alot. I know I was wrong to fight, I was having a
- I have a feeling that my chart is not normal
I have see lots of charts. But I have never seen a chart like mine. Its so weird.
- Had another fight with my cancer mom it's like she doesn't care about me at all....
My mom can never admit her mistakes it's like she never learns can you see anything in her chart that indicates her being stubborn and selfish
- composite- what do you think?
what do you think about this composite chart?
We are not couple, friends that had 'past'. There has been a reconsiliation recently as friends.
Any answer is welcomed.
Thank you,
- Can someone help me with how this relationship would go over?
I’m still trying to learn all about this stuff and am wondering what you guys would think of how this relationship would go:
Aqua man
Moon: Leo
Merc: aqua
Venus: aqua
Jupiter: Scorpio
Saturn: aqua
Uranus: cap
Neptune: cap
- When your ex-best friend come back to you
I'm curious. If your best friend leaves you, and you are sad because he/she didn't say anything except "Good bye,".
And then in couple month your best friend back to you. What will you do?
Are you already moved on? Reject or accept him?
Can you treat him
- Who is more better Scorpio man or Scorpio woman?
I want to know how Scorpio women and Scorpio men are different from each other.
Specifically in terms of trusting, loyalty, honesty, behaviour, nature....
Whose chances are more to play with ur feelings as a friend or partner?
- Scott Storch
Found this lil gem while I was looking up some interviews he did.
- Retrogrades and manifesting?
So, ive been trying to find more information about why exactly people say that manifesting is important and past manifestations come into fruition during retrogrades. Does anyone here have any insight into that? Should I be going harder with manifesting d
- Aquarius man - curiosity
I met an aqua man the beginning of June (not long I know) everything seemed to be going well. I'm very laid back about relationships so do the whole friends thing and no pressure (as I don't like it either) he was very predictable texting in his lunch ti
- Whats up with this Cancer F
Its been a month since me and my ex talked. Whole other thread about it...
So last night she hit me up by text @10pm. In a way being narcissistic how i didnt care about this or that when in all actuality i cared very much and she seen that. My intuition
- Double Standards in Relationships
I went out with a few friends (male and female) over the weekend. We got into the following discussion:
If a woman cheats in a relationship it causes far more damage than if a man cheats. The reason being she is more likely to develop feelings with the p