July 8, 2018
July 8, 2018 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 8
Topics Created On July 8, 2018
- What is your story with your opposite sign?
For me. Even tho I loved him, I wish that me and him never know each other, never loved each other. I just can’t handle this deep feelings.
I’m sagittarius, He is gemini
What about you guys.?
- Venus Conjunct Pluto in Scorpio Synastry
What do you guys think about venus conj pluto in synastry? Also any extra thoughts if it's in Scorpio?
- Taurus not pushing are backing down
Hello all!This Taurus guy I have being dating for over a year say he is not pushing the relationship nor is he backing down!Its all most 2 years that we have being dating without any mention of the future.he doesn’t call are txt,most times when I want to
- Give me the mars and venus signs of you
and the person you had the best sexual chemistry with.
- Cancer men ignoring me!
Hello!! So my cancer guy has been ignoring me for a week. Everything was good before that but then I was joking around about his beard.
It was by text. I said I wanted to know how he would loom like without his beard. And then he said that if I didn't st
- What means when you have 10th house 3 times in the chart?
- Fire Moon More Emotional Than Water Moon?
Based on your personal experiences, do fire moons seem more emotional and temperamental than water moons?
- How do I know when a relationship turns abusive?
I am a Pisces woman that has been with an Aquarius man (great compatibility, I know) for about two months now. We have had a few hiccups here and there, and whenever this happens, he completely shuts down and refuses to talk to me. The most recent occasio
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Decode your destiny?
How would your life change if you could anticipate random, life-altering encounters with strangers... tap into your unlimited abundance frequency... notice cryptically recurring number patterns in the unlikeliest places... and fathom the mind-blowing ‘coi
- Which sign hates the lies and which one is the biggest liar?
- Aries moon / Leo venus
I find this mix to be very problematic for me in relationships. I need advice.
- Why would a Taurus start ignoring you?
I’m trying to carefully peel back the past few weeks and I’m not finding anything I did offensive to warrant being ignored. I left on vacation three weeks ago, when I got back my Taurus friend seemed kinda.. off. We both work for the same company but in d
- Explain the meaning of
When you tell a girl that you have feelings for her. What exactly does that mean to you? Just a strong like? Just something to say so you don't have to talk about your feelings? You are starting to fall but can't or not ready for the L bomb? Somethin
- Leo woman and Taurus man
Hi I’m new here. I just met a Taurus man. It was an instant attraction. I’m so drawn to him because of his sensuality. I really love he’s touching me. Smelling me despite in public. My question is, as we talk via whatsapp he always talked about sex. How h
- Im a woman with Leo sun, Cap moon, Cancer rising, Leo venus, Scorpio mars
Any thoughts on what to expect dating with a Taurus man.
- Dating troubles
Hey everyone, I’m new here and Im in desperate need of your help for suggestions on how to gain the interest of my crush. She just sees so chill and nonchalant about our conversations. I can’t tell if she likes me but she’s always laughing and smiling aro
- Cancer rising: Gemini sun: Leo moon, what is she like??
I’m interested in a woman with these placements. Any advice