July 21, 2018
July 21, 2018 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 21
Topics Created On July 21, 2018
- Would you leave things behind at a new flames house?
Scenario: You've been seeing someone for a couple of months. You've been invited to stay the night for the second time. You pack up your things in the same bag you brought them in. On your way out the door you set a pair of shorts on the nightstand and sa
- How would this relationship go over?
I’m still trying to learn all about this stuff and am wondering what you guys would think of how this relationship would go:
Aqua man
Moon: Leo
Merc: aqua
Venus: aqua
Jupiter: Scorpio
Saturn: aqua
Uranus: cap
Neptune: cap
- Pisces and Capricorn love
I am a Pisces with a Sagittarius moon. My crush is a Capricorn with a Sagittarius moon. I am already his best friend and have been for a few years. But I want more. I can’t tell if he likes me, or if he ever will. And I need advice. Any will help. I’ve he
- Disrespectful
I dont care what anyone says,
But I think it's really disrespectful to keep the person you had sex with before as a friend, when you're in a relationship.
It's either the ex, Friends with benefit, or fawk buddy.
When your beliefs is to stay loyal to t
- Is anyone here suffer from social anxiety?
Any tips for living good life, even with anxiety?
- Cap man holding out
I’m a Scorpio dating a Capricorn. We haven’t had sex in over a month. Like 6 weeks...Should I be worried that he is cheating or is it just a Capricorn thing? All he does is drink n go right to sleep
- Do you think that sometimes suicide is the right thing to do?
- someone with 81 % air in their chart superficial ?
so my mom is a cancer and her boyfriend a libra she asked me about his chart because she often finds him superficial they are 10 years together how come they are still together it often seems more like he doesn't have interest for her but only uses my mom
- Employment Rights ...
I wonder how many people are being screwed over by their employers?
Recently I received just under a thousand quid from an employer who said they didn't owe me either holiday pay or extra pay for working public holidays. They came up with some crappy exc
- Awesome Scorpio Pendant! But I'm Aquarius...
Okay. I'm an Aquarius but I've had a fascination with scorpions since I was little. This fascination does extend to the astrological sign, Scorpio. Today, while shopping in my neighborhood. I saw a very lovely, very unique gold pendant in the window of a
- A Dreamer. Wannabe Rockstar, Active Womanizer
What do you think his natal chart is looking like?
Hm... He seems pretty cool to me. He just has a dream.
- Gemini dilemma :(
Ok so a week ago today it was my birthday and I had party. I invited a few friends including a guy I really fancy who is a Gemini. Every time we go out out together(nightclub) we make out. At the end of my party he kissed me and it got intense and he told