July 11, 2018
July 11, 2018 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 11
Topics Created On July 11, 2018
- Love it or Leave It, Huh...
So for the trumplicans on dxp I have a question for you.
So you know that ole saying "Love it or leave it"?
With the way things are going in this country especially if roe vs wade gets overturned, I wanna bounce.
Living in a fascist, sexist, racist cou
- Aries co worker gifting me with MAJOR mixed signs.. How do I read him?
This guy I work with is sooo Aries, he is a force that should not be reckoned with. I usually attract Leo men so it is a little strange that he is trying to court me. or maybe I am reading it wrong and it is not that at all. Please help lol.
We've worked
- Are Cappies and Pisces a good mix?
Just a post about how aqua men are sexy and compatible with cap women :p Actually its just an update on my life haha..
So, after a year of dating my man, today it just hit me that I do not need to worry about any other woman. Me and my aqua exchanged goo
- Which are the most charming signs
- Which is the most dominant and which is the most submissive signs
- Virgo libra cusp men are like women! They can dish it but can't take it. And they'll rather hide 😡
- Orbs
Took these photos last night while boating, didn't look at them until back on land. While on the water I said to The Scorp that I felt my brother was with me. Looked at the photos, saw the green orbs and knew he was there! Looked up the meaning about g
- I'm in my 30s, he's in his 50s - do I initiate?
If there are any older men here, or women around my age - what is your view about a younger woman wanting to date a man 20 years older? Do I do the asking? It is also a work thing.
I know him going after me might make him look creepy, plus we work toget
- Trade your moon today!
Hey do you have a terrible moon XD of course you do all 12 of them are shitty …but would you like a less shitty moon?
Tired of your robotic aqua moon keeping you from feeling all the things that
- What would be acceptable to you?
What is an acceptable amount of time for a potential lover to have been out of a previous long-term relationship for you to feel comfortable dating them?
- Cancer man issues... I'm a Sagittarius
Dealing with a cancer man. I'm a sagittarius. I love everything about my cancer man. EXCEPT for the subtle cues he keeps tryna throw at me. Or the distance he gives. Sometimes the lack of responses. We've been dating for a year. He has told me a few thing
- Leo’s birthday!
Hi lionsssss and cubs!
It’s almost our birthday, what are you guys doing? Any special plans?
I like seeing what other lions do for their birthday lol
I’m just gonna go to Shlitterbahn and get bbq after like i do every year, what about you?? 💕😽
- Ascendant/Descendant - The personality mirror
The ascendant is how we perceive our personality, our true self.
The descendant is how we are perceived by others in our partnerships.
For example, a Gemini ascendant would describe himself as a lifelong learner, curious and adaptable but other people wo
- Aquarius GOD complex....
- Leo
- Leo man disappeared
I met this leo guy online about a month ago. We texted, he asked me out. Everything went fine. After that we met 3 more times, all initiated by him. We were also texting each other every day, discussing different topics, it seemed he was interested even i
- Aquarius/Taurus/Cancer love triangle- help!
I am caught between a Cancer with an Aqua moon and an Aqua with a Taurus moon. I'm a Taurus with an Aqua moon...
The basics: I met the Aqua fresh after a breakup with my long term partner of 10 years. I fell for him madly. He made me feel safe and taken
- scorp men - early stages - sex
Do scorp men think less of you if you sleep with them on the first night?
Also, would they continue to text you if they weren’t interested?
- Why am I attracting Cancers lately?
Just found out 3 of the coworkers I get along with are Cancers (2 women and 1 man), my sister is a Cancer, and my neighbor is a Cancer. What would cause this to happen to me as a Capricorn?
- I need help with my aqua ex or whatever
Hello, this is that fish and I’d like to thank everyone for taking the time to read this post. I’d like to gain some knowledge on aquarians lol anyways I guess you could say I dated this aqua at first it wasn’t official then he said I was his girl and I a