July 16, 2018
July 16, 2018 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On July 16, 2018
- Anger.
What is dealing with anger like for you? Do you find it easy to control, or impossible? Are you immune to it, or does it bottle up till it simply cannot anymore? Do you know any extremely angry people? What were they like? When describing you or their ang
- Voice in Your Head
Ever have a feeling, an intuition or a voice in your head that was just determined not to shut up? Was it right? Was it wrong? Do you always listen to it? Or do you believe it’s just your feelings trying to manipulate your brain?
- How to break out of the Gemini thinking pattern and figure out what you want
This is probably a multiple sign problem but i think us Gems tend to get in our head and beat ourselves up for not coming to a decision quick enough. With so many options it's hard to figure out what's the best way to take as we love having multiple ways
- Type A's Can't Get Addicted?
I just heard this and it seems the key to why I don't get addicted to anything or anyone. The most intriguing part of this statement is... "because type A's are already addicted."
Now, the statement is obviously an exaggeration for emphasis... so, are t
- How to make a Virgo stop imitating you?
There is this Virgo guy in the office and his behavior is starting to bothers me.
If I wear a blue shirt today, tomorrow he will come with a blue one.
Sometimes I say my opinion about some subject before a meeting and during the meeting he will say the sa
- Can the Libras please help me with this
This might be a little long but responses will be very very appreciated
Little back ground:
We dated for 2 years and lived with each other for basically the whole time(about a year back in high school aswell), good relationship hit bumps every now and
- Shadow thing watches me
Since my teens I randomly see this black shadow thingy watching me in my dreams.
The dream I'll be in would always be as if I'm awake.
It just watches me then I'll wake out of it.
Last year I would see it often and it would always move closer but just s
- Why do you have to play Mr. Nice Guy?
It's an endearing quality to have, but it more often than not becomes a double edged sword for my Taurus. It isn't for show either. I've seen him go out of his way to help randoms expecting nothing in return. He is drawn to their pain, fear, worry. He is
- Happy birthday @Arielle83
Congrats on not looking a day over 25 😘😘
- Typical confused BS thread. Hit me with some quick input!
So, ive been hanging out with this Aries like literally 3 times a week for like 6 weeks. He's the one that just got out of an 11 year relationship end of April. I like him a lot!!!! But im respecting him and his situation. He needs time to heal, i get it.
- Can you please give me advice?
I have really self-esteem issues. I try to be more comfortable with myself, but I can't.
I also ...I don't know who to explain it..I will probably sound horrible, but I always try to avoid people. I constantly think, that they are looking at me and talkin
- Libra/Libra
My Libra finally in relationships with a great man.
Seems they both can’t keep away from each other.
However one site on internet says PERFECT! And another says beware...
She is 10/11
He is 10/18
- Pick my next relationship
Just for kicks, what type of match would you suggest for someone with my placements and why?
Libra Sun
Gemini Moon
Scorpio Venus
Capricorn Mars
- Ever dated
A cancer?
If so, what was your experience with one?
- How can you tell if a Scorpio is being sincere or is trying to manipulate you/take revenge?
Let's say that a Scorpio says something to you. How would you know it's not part of their games and they really mean it?
And also how will I know he's not planning a revenge or something.
Scorpios are so hard to figure out that you don't know if they're
- Open Relationships
The good, bad and ugly. Share your opinions and personal experiences.
- Relationship with aries is great, Sex? Not so much
Hey guys! So relationship with my Aries man has been wonderful! We are compatible in so many ways, EXCEPT sexually!! It was great in the beginning and then when he left town that was rough.. but he's back now and he says I'm too aggressive.. and it's maki
- Worst Timing Ever..
This is part 2 of my exploitation situation with a my pisces ex-friend/roommate. A quick recap, pisces roomie met this older divorcee through his bible study group. They hit it off and things got serious real quick. Catch is she doesnt know I live ther
- Fire/Earth/Air/Water and Realism/Idealism and also Thinking/Feeling
Fire = reality-based, acting on feelings (passionately)
Earth = reality-based, acting on thoughts (practically)
Air = idealistic, diving into thoughts (logically)
Water = idealistic, diving into feelings (deeply)
Am I onto something here, or am I reg
- Scorpio mental dissatisfaction limits
Several months ago I’ve posted that I had stumbled upon his wife FB where in every picture she was hanging over him and he was just hands down staring in the camera...
I never told him about it. We don’t have social media and this visual made me sick and
- interpret my birth chart pls.. anything unique?
Can someone help me with me chart pls? i would like to know what it is my chart says regarding my personal relationships and my life purpose, my vocation, and what lessons I am supposed to learn in this life.
if you have any thoughts\advice? anything :3