July 7, 2018
July 7, 2018 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 7
Topics Created On July 7, 2018
- Can we understand from the girl's horoscope how many kids she can have and their gender as well?
Can we understand from the girl's horoscope how many kids she can have and their gender as well?
If yes then how to read it?
- Saturn in seventh house. Sunsign is Leo.
I have Saturn in my seventh house. Sunsign is Leo. Its said that if you have staturn in your seventh house you have late marriage that is after 28 yrs. I have completed 28 yrs of age and will soon turn 29 yrs old. Still the cards are not turning on for me
- Favorite Music List
Hello Everyone
What are your Favorite songs?
- Break-Up Relief
Does anyone feel that after one? I get sort of sad the first day and at random times but honestly I feel more deep relief than anything.
A lot of my relationships I felt like all I did was take care of the other person ( even feel like their mother at t
- Aries man left me ......
It's totally ouch! Unexpectedly, right out of the blue, it's over :( Personally I think I've been competing with ghosts from his past for a while but he just hit me with it.
- Aries Ex hurted me, I cant forget it
Hey Guys and Gals, I had a relationship with a volatile ballbusting Aries. I thought I can move on, but I am still in emotional
pain. She is very aggressive and short tempered, and masculine. I always thought I got to rise up to the occasion, but I ap
- Youtube Tarot Readings
Hi everyone,
Recently I have been addicted watching a lot of tarot readings. I thought it would be nice to make a thread where we can discuss and share some amazing readers too.
My favourites are :
CancerMoons Tarot
Tyler's Tarot
La D
- I only attract crazy men some who literally just “watch me” or
- Things People Usually Say to You About Being a Gem
I'm kinda new to astrology so I'm trying to learn about Gems. People I know usually say Imma contradiction. They say I can be really adamant about something and then suddenly feel the exact opposite. I been called talkative, quiet, moody, detached from ot
- I love this scorpio guy but dont know if he does...
After fighting for long with myself... I had to accept it that I love him and care for him. He is my friend sing long 1 year.
But I dont feel this one is meant for me. I know all your suggestion will "just tell him... And be straightforward"
But my proble
- cancer sun Taurus moon
How to deal with this placements in a male ? Can he ever let a guard down? He is very calculating and distant tho being a friend for yrs!
- *~Happy Wedding Day Mr and Mrs Superman77
💗Congrats to you both ~ wishing you a long and beautiful life together💗
- Venus in scorpio Virgo
Ok soo yesterday he said we are always breaking up, sigh I'm soo confused. I told him it's him that does the disappear thing not me, I just set boundaries and then he seems to come around, yes I'm flattered a Lil excited and also soo confused.
When will
- Weak Aries
Why i am sooo weak .. I am not strong to say no and block people moreover from more than a year and i am always feeling lonely and attracted to people that give me attention even if we don't meet i fall in love and can't let them go ..overthinking
Is tha
- Any venus in leo in the 8th house over here ?
How do you deal with break ups and allowing people in your life ?
- Look like shit!
Let’s say you love your looks but at some point you look in a mirror and go ‘damn’ I look like shit!’
and do nothing about it?
On July 16, 2018 at 3 AM I was woken up By my boyfriend Steven Ramirez who was sitting on top of me hitting me, beating me, he had my phone in his hand questioning me why I had added friends on my social media and why I had not told him about this. He ma
- Mars in Cancer attracted to Venus in Scorpio
Is there an attraction to these two?
I feel like my Mars in Cancer is obsessed with the placement, Venus in Scorpio.
Any insights?
- My aries guy friend
Soo i’m a leo female, 26 years old ... & i have this aries guy friend who’s only few months older ... who i knew since mmmm 3,4 years ago ... and with time we became closer and closer .. you can say we became best friends ... the thing is we used to