July 10, 2018
July 10, 2018 is a Tuesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 10
Topics Created On July 10, 2018
- Ghosting. Is it in women head?
Reading one thread today I’ve realized that when women saying men are ghosting...there was a revelation that ghosting is...3 months time. 3 days isnt!
Want to discuss. What really ‘ghosting’ is?
I have men friends I’ve met in person and some I’ve neve
- Help me with my Taurus man!
I met a man a few weeks ago. If any of you are into astrology he is a Taurus man. Anyways it was unexpected we clicked immediately and had the most amazing chemistry. After that we hung out for two weeks straight. He spent his every moment with me texted
- Which sign/s loves to help others
- Best and Worst Threadstarters on DXP
My list:
firebunny (me)
- why do people automatically assume...
...that an entertaining person is most probably a leo moon???
- A Travel Forum?
- Have you been to Biarritz in the French side of Basque Country?
Curious to know as I am writing a book about the French Basque Country.
- An observation on interracial children
Black parent + White parent
= child would more likely resemble the black parent
Black parent + Asian parent
= child would more likely resemble the black parent
but when...
Asian parent + White parent
= child would likely look White or Latino... they
- Capricorn Ladies , anyone dealing with Libra guy
Hello Cap ladies , is anyone dealing with Libra guy , and how was it?
- Jupiter Direct! The strong couples survived.
Thank goodness Jupiter is finally direct! I noticed a lot of couples broke up when Jupiter went RX including my relationship with my X scorpio. Although I'm with an Aries now, my X has fought to try to get me back and I'm really hoping now that Jupiter is
- Who is the most drama queen sign for you
Just shout out your opinion who is the most drama queen sign you have ever meet
- Gemini moon
Moon in Gemini
Your Moon Sign describes your instinctive or emotional energies, your innate reactions, and the things you need to feel comfortable or secure. It can reveal your emotional, genetic and intuitive makeup. Whilst your Sun Sign describe
- Umm I have a issue
Its really uncomfortable to talk about this but, I am 20 and I still have not been with a boy. I have never even kissed a boy. Can you please give me advice how to act when a boy talks to me?
I know its a really weird thing to ask,but I need help.
- CAPRICORNS....I need help!
To start off, the man I'm talking about is a capricorn sun, taurus moon and I am a pisces with an aquarius moon. I own my own business and teach yoga on the side (i'm very ambitious, every capricorn mans dream, right?!)
I have a man that has b
- Taurus moon with sag moon?
What are your thoughts on this?
- Help me make sense of my Scorpio sun/Gemini moon combo (and a few other things)?
Hi! I'm somebody who's always known my sun sign and identified strongly with it (Scorpio), but recently I discovered that Moon signs are just as--if not more?--important than Sun signs, and that Risings are important as well. I never thought I particularl
- The cast of Twlight Zodiac signs
After watching twilight for the hundredth time I now believe that Bella is a Scorpio, Edward is a Virgo and Jacob is a Scorpio. I read that Jacob is a Leo, Bella is a Virgo and Edward is a Scorpio, but it doesn’t make sense to me. Jacobs's ability to tran
- Does my Aries best friend want us to be more than friends?
i’m a leo female, 26 years old ... & i have this aries guy friend who’s only few months older ... who i knew since mmmm 3,4 years ago ... and with time we became closer and closer .. you can say we became best friends ... the thing is we used to shar
- Bachelorette Virgin - Why?
I thankfully have never seen an ep of the Bachelor or Bachelorette
But news websites and twitter seem very happy to update peeps in their feeds.
And they said that the Bachelorette walked out when the nfl guy told her he was still a virgin.
Two things-
- Can a Cheater...
Work his or her way back into your life / heart?
- what will happen when Chiron transits the 4th house ?
So for now chiron is in my 3th house but i would like to know what will happen the moment it's gonna enter my 4th house
- Guys & Gals: How do you like to be treated in a relationship?
Both for men and women what placements or aspects show how they want to me treated in a relationship? Or what they consider romantic?
- Aquarian Men and Alcoholism
I looked online, and haven't seen much of anything regarding this - always other signs/planetary influences. While I realize alcoholism is a cross spectrum issue, I have noticed all of the male Aquarians I know are (high functioning) alcoholics. Every sin