July 19, 2018
July 19, 2018 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 19
Topics Created On July 19, 2018
- So today I found out I might have cancer in my neck.
I won't know for sure until my biopsy tomorrow but she used the word necrocis of the lymph nodes and I kind of couldn't focus after that. She said from results of my CAT scan it's suspicious of squamous cell carcinoma. Has anyone ever experienced this and
- Great American Cities
Glad to see Detroit mentioned....
"Major cities like Chicago, Detroit and Baltimore have been under the thumb of liberals for decades, and their policies have made thes
- DXPIL Season 4 Semifinal: Aries Moon Fire vs Libra Sun Vice
Aries Moon Fire
14-10-0 (*28 pts*)
8th Ranked Offense
Goals For: 34
4th Ranked defense
Goals Against: 32
Libra Sun Vice
16-6-2 (*3
- What is your motto? 😊
- Jupiter on cusp between 10th house and 11th house: does it affect both?
I have my Jupiter on the cusp of the 10th house and 11th house. By on the cusp, I mean it's a dead 0.03 degrees into the 11th house. Would that entail a Jupiter who affects both 10th and 11th houses?
- Are we compatible?
I’m a Libra Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus with a Cancer Mars
He’s a Taurus Sun, Sag Moon, Aries Mercury, Taurus Venus, Virgo Mars
- My Moon is in Leoo
Can I be adopted?
- Prohibition Age (1920-33) and Jazz Era (1918-29)
I could hardly believe that Prohibition Age actually coincided with the famous Jazz Era or the Roaring Twenties. Never in my wildest dreams!
- My chaotic venus placement
Hey guys, this has been tugging at my brain for a while so I thought I'd ask y'all for some advice.
Ever since I was a child I've felt CURSED in the love department. I don't rule out the possibility of a witch having casted a spell over my fetus self at
- What is it like to have a Taurus Moon?
In the 2nd house
Opposite Pluto in the 8th
Trine Sun in Capricorn 10th
- Stelliums
People with stellium that is different from your sun sign, can you relate more to the description of the stellium or the sun?
- Why Trump Won....
I've been reading excerpts from this book. Despite all the noise thrown up by the Left and most of the media, the two authors got a glimpse into something similar to what I was seeing in the run-up to the 2016 election:
- Virgo senior at work said I'm strong.
So Virgo Senior said I'm strong... and then made a statement that I was scolding some juniors over the phone to explain why he thought I am strong. I felt awkward and found myself defending myself.
And then he said.. no you have to do that... she's str
- Can one of you lovely souls give me a quick synopsis?
So, I know like 8 planets are in retrograde. What is the general synopsis of what aspects of our environments are being affected?
- Venus transit the 9th house i feel adventures and naughty oops did i say that
I feel i have less of a hard time to break free i am less emotional and more focused on myself as i feel like i have the need to express myself more and more i noticed for the past 3,5 years i have been holding myself back a lot i am actually very extrove
- Hay aquas did you know we have our own queen?
I’ve been following Aquaria on Instagram for ages now and she’s a drag queen that does kooky club kid editorial fashion looks and just recently she won Rupauls drag rage and she really identifies with being an Aquarian and you can see it in her drag looks
- Introverted Aries Woman
People say that Aries are people who are always fiery and on-the-go, easily gets over breakups and everything.
So I like this girl. And so does everyone else. Lol. But she tells people that she won't be in a relationship this year because she wants to f
- Approaching Women in the MeToo Era..
I decided to make a thread on this after overhearing 2 girls sitting next to me at a coffeeshop They were talking about how men dont approach them. But that is not surprising since Santa Barbara has more girls than guys. Usually the girls here approach
- Do gemini men prefer to initiate contact themselves
As a gemini guy would you want the girl to message you from time to time or do you prefer to be the one chasing and initiating every conversation?
- Why do women lay there like a dead fish?
In your opinion guys, what's this about and I'm always hearing about it but never know what it means.
Do you tell the women to do something else? They really don't move an inch when your plowing into them?
What is really happening behind closed doors a
- Craziest Sign
Which is the craziest of signs according to you? You can also rank them as well.
For me.. it's :
1) Cancer
2) Sagittarius
3) Gemini
4) Taurus
Top 4 based off my own experiences.
- The So Called "Deep Connection"
What makes a deep connection for you:
• Physical (love language of touch)
• Time (love language of quality time)
• Service (what have you done for me lately)
• Emotion
• Psychological
• Spritual
When and how did you discover this preferred connection re
- Bartenders earning
Have anyone ever worked as a bartender?
Wondering what is bartenders earning? Small corner bar vs upscale one...is there big difference? Do tell please...