May 5, 2019
May 5, 2019 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 22.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 5
Topics Created On May 5, 2019
- Sag sun cap Venus 2
Hi, this is a follow on from my previous thread, my sag sun Venus cap ex I’m still trying to figure out. So we have been apart officially for 2 weeks but haven’t seen each other for a week, I haven’t chased her either but she has text me and I have replie
- Old texts retrieving
I want to see my texts from several months ago. Scrolling will give me carpal tunnel syndrome!
Is there any way to have it?
I am using iPhone 8. Thanks
- What is causing Sagittarius to be in love with Pisces in April and May?
Hello All,
I can't seem to put my finger on what in the world is going on lol. I keep having my ex on my mind since April and I'm not sure why. I feel like it may have to deal with planets, but how do you determine this and when does it end? I'm dreaming
- When cancer wants it to be serious
So i heard a lot that cancer is pretty indirect.
I know that he's always very bold when he tells me he loves me and he does that all the freaking time. Every few minutes even. Seems like he's trying to not giving me any chances to doubt his love.
He v
- Aquarian kiddo advice
I have been blessed with an amazing Aquarius daughter. She is very clever, loving, generous, and an all-around free spirit. She is in 1st grade and is having a difficult time with her studies as she doesn't try. I asked her why she doesn't try and she sai
- Would you date a...
...Chad who reads the bible every day???
- Cancer man disappeared 😢💔
Just getting a thread started 😂😂
- Preparing to say goodbye to another friendship....
I have to vent/talk about this *ish. It's aggravating to me.
Met a man in late-March as I was out & about. Exchanged a few words. Decided that we'd connect in the future as workout/jogging partners. No personal questions asked. We simply had goa
- Prank wars
- Did the NY Times just admit — and defend — Obama’s spying on Trump? (USA)
Looks like a new attorney general and his promise to investigate the origins of the Trump/Russia probe has the Deep State actors spooked. And well they should be.
It's long been suspected that the New York Times and the Washington Post are the mouthpiece
- When all someone's got is jokes
i get it breaks the ice but what if it's a full on comedy routine?
guy shares nothing of himself, all he's got are jokes.
it was cute and funny the first quarter but now it's annoying.
everything is now a meme or a pun, using humor to dodge genuine sha
- What has been your best relationship so far and their zodiac sign?
How did they treat you?
I wanna see if certain signs would take the cake so I'm keeping tally.
For me it's my husband, clearly if he hadn't been doing something right like be psychic about my wants and needs I wouldn't have married him :p He's a Libra.
- Cancer woman trying to understand my Cap
Cancer woman with Capricorn man. My Cap recently came back into my life after over a decade, it feels like no time has passed and all feelings remain. We talk continuously during the week while we are working, but on the weekend when we can be together he