May 6, 2019
May 6, 2019 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 5.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 6
Topics Created On May 6, 2019
- This one is to all Scorpio men
Any SCORPIO men feels that cancer female do not attracts them???? Or you dont like Cancer female???
I've been hearing all good about only match Scor & Canc.
I have always heard that Scorp saying Cancer are best for them. But are there any who feels
- How does a leo guy show his emotions
I just broke up with my boyfriend 2 days ago due to his parents didn't bless our relationship. We came from different beliefs and faiths so i kind of understand why his parents rejected me. I just never thought this would happen when everything was alrigh
- Talker, texted or non of the above
Hi bulls, I am just curious on how you like to communicate.
I am finally getting somewhere with my bull, slowly but surely. He is very responsive now when I msg but I am starting to notice a slight change. I didn’t want to rush him so I kept it to texts
- North Nodes, and how to tap into it?
I was told that my north node is in Libra, and south node is in Aries. What is the meaning of this, and how to apply it to myself? Any suggestions?
- Are you attracted to the elements you lack in your chart?
For example I lack water in my chart. I attract guys that are dominant water. Vice versa.
- Not used to Affection
So i got a kitten, black cat, over the weekend. She was standing at attention, it seemed, waiting for me to come to her.
She is so affectionate and I was so thrown off guard.
I realized that being single for almost 12 years has left me not used to affec
- Sag man indecisive
I don’t know a thing about Sag men.
And I don’t want to BUT I know a lot of people and one of them met Sag.
Info might be not so accurate but what I know is he had been divorced for 7 years. Seeing himself as very sexual man (so is every impotent in the
- Keeping Cap Guy Laughing
Is it a good thing that I always have my semi depressed, baggage carrying, non committal Cappy guy laughing and smiling, even if he's being sarcastic and thinks am a dork?
- Weird or overreacting?????
So my boyfriend of 7 months friend requested one of my friends. The thing is that he only met her twice the same amount of times he met my best friend. He really didn't talk much to them then friend requested my friend. They think it's weird and I actual
- Do woman have male milf fetishes?