May 22, 2019
May 22, 2019 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 22
Topics Created On May 22, 2019
- Lost my Mojo and need help
Hey y'all,
I saw this guy on Friday that was frowning like he was upset, but he was still nice and let me bowl for free all night (he works there). I tried to ask him what was wrong and he said it wasn't something I wanted to hear. Random girl knew the
- why are drama threads on dxp hilarious?
not just funny but hilarious?
- Keannu Reeves >>>> George Clooney
Just sayin'.
- Care & Healing Tarot
This tarot reader is the one!
She is strangely amazing for me and someone else agreed as well.
It’s like how the hell does she do this?
She does you, them and mutual energies. All in one reading.
Listen to last week of May and she just started June.
- Friendship Vs Relationship
Tauruses, give me your insight please:
What would you do if a close female friend becomes interested in you but you don't reciprocate the feelings? And what would you do if she never said it clearly that she is interested in you? Would you distance yours
- MC in Pisces
What is the best career choice for MC in Pisces?
I am Pisces Sun 10 house, Leo moon 3 house , mercury Pisces 9 house, Mars and Jupiter Gemini 12 house, Neptune 7/8 house Capricorn.
I have been working in Business development consulting, sales and Hu
- Check it
- Asc and North Node
Have you been an Ascendant to someone's North Node? How was it?
- Need advice from a Taurus woman
Hi all,
I am a Pisces man who has be talking to a Taurus woman for a few months. She was recently divorced and made it known from the beginning that she is not looking for a relationship at the moment, which is understandable. As a Pisces, when we have
- The Mullet
Should it be brought back?
- Do aquarius tend to rearrange their rooms?
- Who ghosted who?
I'm curious to know what others think and who ghosted who in this situation.
Boy meets girl, girl likes boy a lot and on first date wants to start a relationship. Few weeks into relationship boy says silly joke and girl flips out and breaks up with him.