May 27, 2019
May 27, 2019 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsTopics Created On May 27, 2019
- How long will a Cancer woman ignore you?
One year ago, she made the first move, but she was quite insecure and I think doubts and misunderstanding weighed a lot in the deterioration of our long-distance relationship. More than half a year ago, she blocked my instagram and whatsapp and in return,
- Aladdin >>>>>>> Avengers Endgame
Do you guys notice the same???
In Aladdin, there were plenty of twists and turns... also action...
In Endgame, too many drama scenes and the action part is only about 5-10% of the entire 3-hour movie!
I shouldn't have watched Endgame
And in case you h
- Aries secretary still coming back for work
What do you think will the sign of our next secretary be?
- Who is your favourite Capricorn
The King
- Aquas, have you ever lost a great love because of your fear of the unknown?
Statistically, I've seen aquas avoid the great loves of their life because of their fear of not knowing how that romance would play out, and end up in relationships where they settle and arn't really "in-to" or will ever be IN LOVE with their partner. Jus
- Who is your favorite Tarot or Horoscope reader on Youtube?
Just wondering, who do you watch on YouTube for tarot or horoscope readings?
Do you watch them for personality/entertainment or accuracy in their readings?
- Confused and need some advice.
Someone, anyone, please help me figure out my Aquarius friend.
I think he may have developed some feelings for me, however, he’s giving off these wishy washy vibes. When I go to ask him how he feels, he goes completely silent or is very vague with his a
- Divorce
I am just wondering how abnormal I am...(everybody STFU) lol
All I read and hear is how people get sad, angry, scared, lost, empty...whatever that is they feeling - I am not feeling any of that.
Some days I am catching myself thinking is that how screwe