May 29, 2019
May 29, 2019 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 1.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 29
Topics Created On May 29, 2019
- Libra man and 2woman
I am sag I was dating a Libra man everything was perfect he was pretty much in love with me and I started to falling too. But then I found out that he has a gf! I broke up with him,but he told me that he doesn’t love her and they argue all day and don’t e
- Transition - is this really about Uranus in Taurus?
So many things are changing in my life. I am letting go and going with the current. It’s taking me in another direction & im oddly okay with it. I have decided to stop fighting it. It’s been 4 years for sure, maybe 7. Aries Uranus was about fightin
- Why is this cancer man hiding stuff and ignoring me?
I'm a pisces. HE hurt me and as a result I've pulled away. He tried reaching out once but I was still too hurt to talk to him so I didn't put forth much effort.
I've noticed that he stopped including me in stuff and it seems like he is blocking me from
- Who is Ubuntu?
- If "lol" is for girls, what is for males?
- Love at first sight?
What to do with a girl your eye caught on to who secretly stares at you back?
How do you introduce yourself?
- Cancer m
- Cancer woman loves Leo man
I’m going to try to make this short. I met a wonderful Leo man online. We talked for months before I let him meet me in person. It was apparent to all that he was in love with me lol. I really like him back. Typical Leo lavishness ensued Sex was incredibl
- Transgender friend
I have a friend, who is very near and dear to me. We grew up living nezt door to eachother and we were extremely close up until a few years ago and he moved to vermont. His original gender was female.
I have not seem him since his gender reassignment sur
- This Is How You Should Decorate Your Home According To Your Star Sign
And because we are a step above cat lady astrology lets make that, according to your 4th house or whatever placement you identify most closely with when it comes to your homes vibe.
So is it true for you?