May 13, 2019
May 13, 2019 is a Monday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 13
Topics Created On May 13, 2019
- Chauncy Black and Matt White
Have anyone heard this story?
Is it real or GoFundMe fucking around?
- How does planets in your sign work?
Hello Wonderful People,
I never fully understood how planets like Venus, Mars, Mercury, etc.. works when they are in your sign. For example, how is a Libra sun with Venus in Aries feeling with their love life now that Venus is currently in Aries?
- Aquarius guy ignoring me after fight
Hi everyone,
I hope someone can give me some insight on what to do. I've been seeing this aqua guy for 10 months now. We are fwb but I know we're more than that. He has told me he loves me but he really has trust issues due to previous relationships.
- Aquarius guy ignoring me after fight
Hi everyone,
I hope someone can give me some insight on what to do. I've been seeing this aqua guy for 10 months now. We are fwb but I know we're more than that. He has told me he loves me but he really has trust issues due to previous relationships.
- For Sags
Do you guys believe in the mutable connection? ( Virgo, Gemini, Pisces, Sags )
- Leo myths
I'm curious to hear any myths you guys and girls have heard about dating Leos.
- These 16 money wasters are why so many Americans can’t save for retirement
Very good read! I can own up to quite a few of them :(
1. Tattoos. They’re an admitted obsession of mine. What will they look like when you’re my age? From what I’ve heard, a good tattoo artist charges $200 an hour.
2. Vacations. Hey, everyone needs
- Owning and or Living on a Boat
Curious if any of you have either owned or lived on a boat.
Post here any info you wish you would've know prior to purchasing.
- What precautions should I take to having a best friend with HPV?
So my friend confided in me that she has hpv, we’re really tight she spends the night at my place all the time vice versa. So she’s known she’s had it for a year. And yet she still sleeps with guys without a condom. And she tries to normalize it by saying