May 8, 2019
May 8, 2019 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 8
Topics Created On May 8, 2019
- Aqua wom + Aries Man, lost
Posted in Aqua form also...Need some advice Hi, I am an aqua woman. I'm 31. I got involved with an Aries 49 year who pursed me to be in a relationship with him. I advised him that I wanted to take things slow but we ended up together after his persistence
- Would men leave a woman if she doesn’t want kids?
I don’t think I want kids. I may be only 23, but I don’t think I’d want them in the future either. They cost around $10,000/year, which is money I’d rather give to charity. Plus I’ve seen enough Dr. Phil to know they go crazy once they hit their teen year
- If u had to lose 1 of 5 senses which would u choose?
- Happy bday to all my fellow tauruses
Keep fuuuckin all the biiitches in the zodiac or baes to b more polite, i mean we r the best in sexx, dont believe me ask god himself i mean whoever god is, duhhh!
- What site would you enjoy to visit every day?
I want to start a site online.
So i would like to know what type of sites (topic/interest based) you visit on a daily basis.
For example i visit social media , YouTube
And also sites about Psychology ,astrology, nutrition
Is there any topic you would lik
- Since my account is invisible..
I will just write my nagging thoughts here.
- Why people consider virgos unemotionally available?
Are air signs less emotional than us or no?
- Aqua Breakups
What are some of the pettiest reasons you've broken up with someone?
My sister broke up with her boyfriend (though they did get back together) because she was spending too much time with him when she could be using that time to “stretch” and “do breathi
- Perfect partner for us Leo males
Leo male is one of the most complex sun signs in universe in many ways. Our best qualities are giving, loyalty, joy and energy, family, adventures etc. on the other hand, we demand attention, a lot. If you are a Leo you know you own that skill that nobody
- Uber/Lyft Drivers on Strike
I don't blame them. They are getting paid shit.
"Uber and Lyft drivers are struggling as they work for billion-dollar companies," Sanders said in a tweet. "These drivers are not 'independent contractors'—they are employees who deserve rights and benefits
- Biggest Hypocrites on DXP
Even though most won't admit it.. (Feel free to add to the list)
1. @_Dazed
2. @LadyNetpune
3. @ItsSupes2
4. @Black-Mamba
5. @nikkistar
- Married women
How many times you’ve been cheated on? Why do U stay? What’s your action to what he did? Or solution
- "Wifey" Material? Opinions Please
So this may be in the wrong forum, and for that I apologize before hand. I am just curious about this, what one may call "phenomenon."
Nothing personal really, I guess kind of personal but no real story from me. It's just that I keep seeing these stupid
- Do your balls ache..
When you want to procreate?
- What to do with this Leo guy
I'd like some brains to help me out, I'm not sure if I should keep seeing this Leo guy. But it has been so sweet and fun, it's hard to let it go...
So I've known this Leo guy for a month. I met him on the street after watching a horror movie, it was midn
- My Mothers Day started by Aries
Dear Gemi,
Mothers day, who would’ve known that 2 total strangers would celebrate it together this year. I still can’t believe it sometimes. But what I do believe is what I see and I see it in you; warm, loving and compassion