May 16, 2019
May 16, 2019 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 16
Topics Created On May 16, 2019
- What’s the nicest introductory message on tinder?
- I understand I'm a dog
Not trying to be funny but just looking at this from a Westerners view.
I had eyes on one lady but her sign was a tiger and it seems that neither dogs or tigers really have anyone they're very compatible with sexually. Also it seems she might be having t
- will gemini man come back after i called it off for a little break?
we’re both gemini’s. been together for almost 5 month. everything was great.
till we had our first real argument and went into somehow dramatic. we both talked it out, and we realized what was our shared mistakes.
later he asked for a little time and spac
- Professional Opinion: Job Resigning...
I have come to the conclusion i am no longer happy in my place of employement or in the line of work i am doing. I love designing but its more of a hobby and not fulfulling as a career.
I want to go back into eldercare or art therapy...where I have roots
- Gemini meeting Arieses family
Ok! I had just comforted by you my dear friends...when I am getting ‘scheduled’ call and we are goofing off for about 20 min when he says...mid June is sons graduation so I hope you’ll be there. I am like sure of course...
He said I have to come Wednesday
- How do you feel..
When you see a thread asking questions about men, be it your sign or just in general..
And the women of DXP answer for you?
Do you even bother responding to the thread?