May 31, 2019
May 31, 2019 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 3.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 31
Topics Created On May 31, 2019
- Was I wrong to do it?
I need some opinions on this... Help me understand if I am wrong or if I did the right thing... I don't know anymore. Ill try to keep this as short as possible.
Took the girl I'm seeing, her mom, and her brother (who is 21) to a concert last night. I pai
- Chart Interpretation
How about to return that forum?
How come it’s gone?
- Short Stories/Scenes
I enjoy writing short stories and scenes. Below is a scene about a character named Shriek. I should point out that Shriek is a ghoul. I would love any critique.
Shriek crawls through
- I don't do complicated... or do I??
Y'all. Hi. Libra chick here. I've been reading your comments for months & find your thoughts & wisdom truly interesting, helpful, sometimes brutal & often oh so funny! Thanks for being here! This is my first post. I'm on a quest to simply
- oh no
she stopped responding to my messages
and she didn't give me her number when i asked for it
but she read my last message
what could this mean?
- Do Gemini men stick around when they see the relationship isn’t going anywhere?
My boyfriend is clearly losing feelings for me it’s not hard to tell lol. My question is why hasn’t he broken it off yet? It’s almost like he wants me to break up with him but I refuse because I don’t want to break up w him. I want things to go back to ho
- pretty chick talking to me right now on tinder!!!
she's my type
she's almost a white girl
round eyes
beautiful smile
gorgeous hair
I'm scared :-(
- flirting with other women while waiting for the "pretty chick" to reply
is this perfectly normal???
- What do you need for reassurance?
Just a general one for you. I know you all need reassurance from your person of interest before taking the next step but what works for you?
Contact multiple times a day or is that clingy?
Contact daily is ok?
A few times a week is enough or other?
- Who feels Venus/Moon 11th house overlays more in synastry?
and what does a first meeting look like between two who share this overlay? Is the attraction physical or just a friendly likeness of the other?
- Cancer Risers
Do you like food and money? Cause I do
- Bar dress code
Ok...NOW I am going to the bar where my Aries is going to be playing his rock with a band...
What am a wearing again? I don’t want to look like an old mama! Send me some pics please. I need to look so younger women just don’t matter...and hair please. Min
- Your favourite Scorpio
Scorpio sun/Pisces Moon
- Pisces man and space
So I’m a Taurus female seeing a Pisces man. We met 3 months ago. On the first night he was telling me about his family and friends and asked if I was going to stick around for awhile. Since then we have bonded. I told him I was a virgin, that I’ve never d
- If You Think That...
What I am about to say in the following post is racist, then you seriously have never worked in a service industry or customer support position.
Does anyone else on these forums deal with Indian customers on a semi-regular basis at their job? I've w
- Why? Gemini
Okay, I want to share my Gemini experience bcs I still can't let it go. I'm sorry in advance for the length, also it's a university story so don't laugh at my details:D
I'm Aries sun&moon, Taurus rising. He's Gemini sun, Scorpio moon.
So, I've been g
- Do Taurus men ever move on?
I mean he broke up with me a few years ago & I took it incredibly hard...
Just recently, I realized that I was 100% over him ( ok 85%) and that's when he tries and pop back into my life. He follows me on social media now, he's always one of the firs
- Why? Gemini
Okay, I want to share my Gemini experience bcs I still can't let it go. I'm sorry in advance for the length and maybe too many details:D.
I'm Aries sun&moon, Aqua venus, Taurus rising. He's Gemini sun, Sag moon, Cancer venus.
So, I've been going to t
- Dedicate a vanity license plate to a DXPer
- Does this Sag Female like me or just friendly
So other weekend I went out with my brother and his friend, she brought her friend too just to hang out. We all were talking, having fun etc etc. End of the night I got her number. Texted her the next day and since then we text allllll day with fast repli
- Taurus man virgo woman confused relationship
I'm a virgo woman in love with a taurus man. It initially started when he wanted me to have a drink with him at his place and I did go and he started making a move and I resisted for anything going beyond..and the same happened the second time too
- Calling all crabs 🦀😃 Party Advice
I'm throwing a cancer theme party and I want all cancers advice
I've had some whiskey so don't mind my grammar
So far, I'm driving to DC, I'm in NYC by the way. I'm getting 3 bushels of crabs because my friends are seafood lovers..
I want to have som
- Are Capricorns actually the most fake?
I fell hard for a Capricorn. He was quiet, humble, and had a gentle disposition that made me believe that he was a person of deep insight and understanding. He always appeared attentive, listening thoughtfully to what others had to say and reserving judgm