May 9, 2019
May 9, 2019 is a Thursday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 8.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On May 9
Topics Created On May 9, 2019
- How do you know you are actually in love? (All signs welcome)
So, I've been dating this Virgo woman for a few months, but have known her and cared about her for 5+ years as a friend. We are "taking it slow" because she is less than a year out of a 4 yr relationship with a man who cheated numerous times throughout.
- Are Venus-Uranus aspects less problematic if both partners have it in their natal charts?
Does it play out differently if both partners are familiar with that kind of energy? Man has Venus Conjunct Uranus. Woman has Venus Square Uranus. They have a Venus-Uranus DW in synastry (Man's Venus conjunct Woman's Uranus/Woman's Venus Square Man's Uran
- Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio love triangle
Help me please!
Should I stay on this frustrated relationship and thrive? This taurus lady is still staying with her ex which is a Scorpio and I, Cancerian is doing LDR with her around 45mins drive for 9 months already for now. (We are all girls to menti
- How do u properly ride a dick?
Asking for a friend 🤪
- Insulted unintentionally
@Lethal_Fantasia brought to my attention that I’ve said something insulting to a member here...I want to explain and what ya heck...apologize.
At the thread where a woman was in love with a man who told her he doesn’t love her and does r see her in his fu
- why are Aquas like this?
growing disillusioned with Sag and Aqua descriptions in astrology coz they're the opposite. and it's' not just one person but keep encountering example after example of them. every time i go out with this Aqua sun/Gem moon and we stay out a little too lat