July 5, 2019
July 5, 2019 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 6.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 5
Topics Created On July 5, 2019
- Just curious
A lot of people come here looking for clarity and understanding and many of you are flat out rude patronizing and condescending so I just wonder what some of you get out of being dicks to strangers for no reason? Are you that bitter and unhappy that you m
- Virgo man and Taurus female
So I met my guy on a a more obscure dating app. We talked for like 2 weeks and then finally met up. I was even late lol he says he doesn't remember but k know he does.
Anyway the first time I went over I noticed some girl stuff in the shower and just vibe
- Help with birth chart interpretation...
Hello, I'm a newbie here so forgive me if I don't know all the rules. I was wondering if someone can help me interpret my birth chart?
I'm 33 and have been having issues in my love and career. I always felt that I would be a late bloomer, but this is craz
- Attraction to mercury
i've been looking at the rough draft of charts of the guys i've dated, lost interest in, ghosted, fought, hooked up with whatever and i saw that almost every single one had gemini moon or gemini placements like this cancer sun/virgo moon/gem mercury/gem v
- Are Scorpio Men attracted to Scorpio women?
- Cap ex and his new Libra wife
I am laughing and crying but mostly it’s my mom who is having time of her life nowadays.
My ex Cap 63 married a Libra who is 44 soon after our divorce. In about a month. Which happened like a month ago. Woman needs papers to stay in US. She also had an ov
- Guys, how do you ignore women?
My ex is someone I want to forget, she’s a cheater and a liar and just after money, she has a coke addiction. I broke up with her three months ago, and then we became FWB a little after that. Then just friends, then we argued and we didn’t talk for a mont
- Moon in someone's 1st house or Moon/ASC....
What is your experiences with having someone's moon in your 1st house or aspected (mainly the conjunction) your ASC? I'd like to hear more so from the men folk when they are the moon but everyone is welcome to comment.
- Sun/North Node Composite
What’s the difference between a sun conjunction NN in synastry vs. composite. I see descriptions for synastry, but almost none for composite.