July 6, 2019
July 6, 2019 is a Saturday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 7.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 6
Topics Created On July 6, 2019
- does a hurt/offended Cancer man expect more than one apology?
or more than one try in showing genuine care?
we used to be very close and then we got into a stupid misunderstanding and i cut him loose. not totally fair to him.
after i apologized i asked if we can talk. he said sure, as soon as he has the time, he's b
- Intense Aries
Hey. I’m a Aquarius he’s an Aries. I’ve known him from work for about a year and a half now. He’s always been cool and I noticed he was always around me at work but didn’t think much. Then he started doing nice things like buy me my favorite ice cream and
- Why did my ex bf come to my work?
My ex came to my work after 7 months of no contact
- Against popular opinion
What if everything you read that describing 2 signs rships is totally opposite?
- Capricorn men
Are they too picky while dating/ relationships?
Is it very difficult to impress them?
- Reverse psychology
What is the concept of reverse psychology?
Does it work on you (in terms of dating/ relationship stuffs only) ?
- The Virgo Ghost
Hello again people!!
Okay so this one is kinda confusing. Not ugly but confusing. So we have had plenty of ugly fights in June. June was BAD but then we always find our way back to each other and get normal.
Now, he has an extremely important exam on mid
- Need some advice/tips about Leo woman
Hi all,
I have met a very nice Leo woman for a week now. Im trying to understand her (with some help about astrology of course) so im not surprised by her behaviour later on. I already saw that she likes to hang out and be active, works very hard and is
- Appréciation post :Virgo man
I don’t normally do this , but he deserves some praise . So I met this Virgo guy in a bar . We have been having some coitus . Some talks . I don’t think I would ever want to date him though I mean am happy with the way things are . Great sex great sex gre
- Leo the Lion
I had a first date with a Leo man that lasted 18hrs...
We had a blast! Best first date ever! Great chemistry, laughter, overall great vibe. Forward a week later 2nd date was going well, I’m very playful
I may have hurt his feelings. Drops me off and when
- Helllp confusing Aquarius
So I met this aqua online and we hit it off. Went out together once and it was perfect - we were cracking up and convo was easy. Well since then a few things have come up in his life and mine and we haven’t been able to see eachother. Here’s my question -
- Dilemma
I have this habit of remembering people's bdays (been into astrology since I was 13 lol) and tomorrow will be this crab's guy bday. Things have been confusing between us and I've decided it's best to not meet him anymore. Don't wanna go back on that decis
- Hahahahaha
- Who do you think Zodiac sign men are Loved by?
Who do you think Zodiac sign men are Loved by?
Aries Man:
Taurus Man:
Gemini Man:
Cancer Man:
Leo Man:
Virgo Man:
Libra Man:
Scorpio Man:
Sagittarius Man:
Capricorn Man:
Aquarius Man:
Pisces Man:
- Advice: Virgo dealing with Virgo man
Hey all, I am new to this but hoping to gain some insight from you all!. I am a Virgo, Libra rising, Leo venus and Virgo moon. I am currently dealing with a Virgo, cancer rising, Taurus moon and Scorpio venus.
We were greattttt from December to about ea
- Which state has #1 spot in alcoholism?
Leading drunkie the fuck clown state