July 28, 2019
July 28, 2019 is a Sunday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 28
Topics Created On July 28, 2019
- Selfish ?
What do you call a person that doesn't want you but doesn't want anyone else to have you? Why would try gi revoke reactions out of you to see if you care if they don't I truly don't understand some people's mindset!!! I just had to ask. Is it a selfish pe
- Was your Aries sneaky?
Did you ever suspect something? Forgive them something? Have trust issues? Were they good at lying?
- confused
i am in a state of confusion because my scorpio man iced me out, we were friends and a year and half ago he confessed his feelings to me, i didnt respond because back then i was dealing with some personal issues and i didnt felt as strongly for him, but h
- Most masculine feminine sign woman?
& most feminine masculine sign woman?
Feminine Masculine: scorpio or capricorn women
Masculine feminine: libra woman
- Relationship with Aries Man
How did it do you find your Relationship with an Aries man?
If he is now an ex what made you leave? Did he ever come back? Was it hard work or a mixture and do you miss them? X
- Worst experience of being cheated on
What were your star signs? How long were you together? How did you find out? Did you get over it ok? Were you shocked how sneaky they were?
- We da bestest..🥰😍😋
- Do you think sex can cause ur DNA to mutate?
I've noticed when females have sexual relations with certain people they start to physically look different. Maybe it's just age, but i think it has something to do with change on cellular level. I also believe that having sex with too many partners weake
- Anyone good with reading Synastry charts?
I'm just curious, is anyone really good and reading and detailing Synastry charts and see if 2 people can be compatible?
- How do I win back my cappy man?
Hey everyone,
hope you guys can help me.
So I met this cappy on a dating app back in May. We immediately clicked and I went to visit him two weeks later. I stayed for the weekend and things were going well apart from a misunderstanding. He did say he wan
- Can you make sense of this Leo-Virgo cusp guy? I can’t.
Long story short, I knew him from college and we recently reconnected. He has seizures and has been in and out of the hospital and I’ve been there for him but we’ve only hung out twice this month since 8 years ago.. he would text me 24/7, call me just to
- What the Heck is up with this Libra?!?!
So I posted a few days back about me and my Libra friend with whom I think there is a mutual attraction. She has asked me to get together with her on a few of occasions. The first one she said she wanted to go out and we planned a general date and time. S