July 10, 2019
July 10, 2019 is a Wednesday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 2.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 10
Topics Created On July 10, 2019
- Thinking out loud...
...about changes that seems like taking place lately. Just wondering if I am overthinking.
His words: i don’t care about past. It doesn’t matter what happened before we’ve met. It matters to me what we are now and after...
He knew I was married. He hate
- Scorp man Sag woman
Anybody knows about them 2?
- I don't recognize this site anymore!!
- Island of misfits and azzholery
I thought it was just me, but after reading this site for a bit and actually paying attention to posts for once...
All Pisces should be sent to their own island where they can be fake with each other, lie about who and what they are, murder each other, sp
- Women who make more than their male partner
This is very interesting to me since we're in a time period for the first time where there are more women than men who are more financially independent and living on their own.
I've been seeing an increase in relationships where women significantly make
- People thinking you're super secret and butter...
Any other scorpio moons gotta deal with this?
I'm really just not that interesting.
- Lefty’s
Has anyone noticed significant differences in signs between left handed and right handed people? I thought of it the other day and looked up some articles, but for Leo’s is pretty much just that lefty’s are like their right handed counter parts but on ecs
- HAUNTED on netflix
Is it real?
I had nightmares for a whole night after watching
- Mental/Emotional Reflection
How often do you take a mental/emotional time out to reflect on how you're doing at that moment? Why? What makes you do so?
Do you just kinda float through life, feeling whatever and going with the flow, and figuring it out along the way? How come?
Or d