July 26, 2019
July 26, 2019 is a Friday.
The numerological value of today's date is the number 9.
Below is the list of each planet, which zodiac sign they were in, and any aspects between the planets for this date at noon UTC.
Planetary PositionsPlanetary AspectsPeople Born On July 26
Topics Created On July 26, 2019
- is it possible to have two moon signs if you were born in between the transit
I was born in kuching malaysia GMT+8 on 11.feb.88 somewhere between 10.30 to 10.45.
how can I tell if I am sagi or scorpio moon lol
Id like to feel as sexy as scorpio
I enjoyed lust more than anything
whenever im stressed out, sex is always he answer
- Goodbye Sex
I want to break up with my gf
But I want to have sex with her one last time
Is this possible??
- Why elements cheat?
Most people actually probably cheat do to lack of passion
Water signs will create dysfunction with partner in order to convince themselves they deserve to cheat.
Fire cheat for thrill
Air signs will cheat because they get bored of people, but in real
- can someone tell me why I can't my mind off this lady
Scorpio sun
Libra moon
sag Venus
Virgo mars
Taurus sun
Virgo moon
Aries Venus
sag mars
can't keep my mind off her for 1 sec and when where alone I can't get enough of touching her she has the most beautiful softest skin I ever felt and super comf
- A gift to Sagis - Please comment
I will post on all forums, I have been watching him for 6 months and he is the best guy. Please comment and share if this resonates with you guys.
I would love to read your comments. :-)
- A gift to Capricorn - Please comment!!
- A gift to Scorpio :-) Enjoy!
I am sure you want to know what the future holds or what is going on with you right now! ..... :-)
- A gift to my Pisces! - with lots of love.
The new Pisces reading for the rest of July is coming out in just a day or two if you want to follow him. He is the best of the best!
- A gift to Libra! - Enjoy..
- A gift to Leo! - Enjoy!
It may be happening to you now if not you will be happy to listen to this video. :-)
- A gift to Virgo! - Enjoy.
- A gift to Virgo! - Enjoy!
- A gift to Cancers! - Enjoy! and comment :-)
- Need advice on Taurus man
I was getting pushy, pressuring my Taurus man. I started feeling needy and he could sense it. We had been having discussions about sex and our relationship a bit and things had been very enjoyable. Then I drunk called him one night kind of emotional.
- I keep falling for virgo moons? Please help?!
So I've been on dating apps lately and have been on a couple dates with different guys. However, I keep finding myself getting attracted to virgo moons again and again. These are the two virgo moons (that I know of) I've met in the span of 5 months.
- Gemini and Yellow color
I’ve always had something yellow. Wallet, rain coat, shoes, scarf...
My fav is green but yellow I must have something...
So yesterday my crew digged our 2 yellow chairs I was drooling over but I couldn’t find place to put it in my house so I kept thinking
Would you tell ppl u worked with for along time that ur moving to another dept & shift or just wait until you transfer?
Would you stop associating or being friends with someone because they have bed bugs?
- The girls Im considering now
1. Pretty but playgirl doctor
My sister told me her colleague in the hospital is actually interested in me.
I saw her already and she’s pretty. And since she’s a doctor, that’s double edge on her part.
The downside is she’s a playgirl.
2. Pretty magn
- profile pics
Is this broken again? Please fix.....I'll love you forever and ever! Kthanks
- How is this person feeling ?
Anyone have any insight on this reading?
The question is "how does A (male) feel about B (female)?
In no particualar order
Queen Swords
2 Cups
3 Wands
5 Cups
8 Swords
Wheel fortune
The guy lives in a different country to the fema
- How long have you gone without thinking of...
..."The Game"?
- Conjunctions?
So if the Sun were 4 degrees and the Mercury is like 26 in the same sign, is that still conjunct?
- Messages
Do we send PMs anymore?